Tag Archives: Selection

Soccer Ball

I did this quick Soccer Ball tutorial this morning. It was a little tedious at some points but learned quite a bit about different selection techniques. Below is in image of my screen showing you the number of faces. The selection techniques used during this tutorial made the process a great learning tool.

Some final Renders Below

During this next weekend I will create another tutorial for placement on YouTube highlighting the various selection methods used in this tutorial.

If find creating tutorials such as those detailing different techniques to accomplish the same tasks allow me to better remember them. I create the video in my mind first, then record the actual video (sometime multiple times). When the recording is complete the editing of the final addition takes place requiring about 2-3 times the actual recording time. Then I watch the complete video 3 – 4 times listening for things I may have forgotten. The final video is then rendered and watched again for errors one last time and posted to YouTube. That is roughly 10 times the video runs through my head. Plenty of time for cementing the information into my memory.

I also completed another tutorial by Johnathan Williamson, ‘Creating a Battery’, from last year before Cycles was in trunk. He used Lux Render, a program I am not at all familiar with so I used Cycles and it turned out wonderful. I will post those pictures tomorrow.