Hoping the house is ok is just because of all the problems she had before she left.

Yes the house is ok. If you couldn’t tell, I wrote that title before we found out that the water had been fixed. Below is what was done to fix the water.


As you can see from the picture it is not a professional fix and not a permanent one unless it is covered and taken care of. Those clamps ‘will’ rust, corrode and we will have another leak. Maybe not this year but could easily be two or three years. For now I’m confident it will be ok.

Getting to and from work has been great with Carrie getting up with me and taking me to work and picking me up in the afternoon. She has been trying other ways to get to work when picking me up and only got lost once.

Wednesday the car broke down. When Carrie go home she put up her driver side window and when she got out she noticed the drivers side rear window was down. When she put the key in to bring the window back up there seemed to be no power. She tried to start and nothing, no click, nothing. The remote door unlock would not even work. I assumed electrical and possibly dead battery. Daryl said it was a new battery so my thinking was maybe the alternator was bad and the battery had not been charged. When Daryl and his son came over to check things out they tried to jump the vehicle and it would not start but did turn over. They kept trying to start but it seemed like it was out of gas but Carrie just filled it up on Monday.


She has been taking me to work and picking me up in the afternoon. When she gets home in the morning she has been going back to sleep for a bit and that is not unusual. When she was here the last time she would go back to bed when I left and get up after a few hours so that is going back to our normal.

By Thursday she was going out shopping during the day for a bit and then leave from the stores to come pick me up and she even came to pick me up a different way than she ever had driven before. She did get lost twice, realized it and turned around. She will get used to driving around and then probably watch out for even more adventuring.

I now have to find time to work on my course work and practice. I now need to take come courses that are comprised of practice tasks and assignments to complete.

She had a nightmare Saturday morning while she was sleeping in around 9:45am. She started screaming in her sleep and scared the crap out of me. Turned out to be nothing involving Neil or the like. Just a weird nightmare involving her pets.

We also purchased a dual recliner set with a console in the middle for snacks and soda’s, a love seat and an electric fireplace with mantle. We will put the fire place against the large blank wall across from the dinning room, put the existing couch in the guest room to make room for the recliners and loveseat.


Carrie arrived Thursday night at around 11:55pm. Daryl was able to take me and pick her up, we have the vehicle and were going to take a few trips to and form work to get used to the drive but I figured the drive was so easy she would not need to.

Now I must wait on pins and needles for some panic attacks to happen while I am at work or if she gets lost or something. I’m not anticipating anything like that, but you never know when it comes to her.

I love her so much and just want her to be happy.

This first weekend went very well and one thing that surprised me was that Ricky and Bill got the water back running last Friday and did not bother to tell anybody. Carrie was on the phone chatting with Debbie and Bill last night and she asked how the water issue was going since they were using her neighbor’s water. Well, Bill said ‘Didn’t Ricky tell you? We got the water running last Friday. When he called on Friday or Saturday, he wasn’t in such a good mood anyway and probably just forgot.


No, not tomorrow evening, Thursday evening. I keep thinking the 13th.

I will be picking up Carrie Thursday evening. I can’t wait! Yep Thursday evening. We will be picking her up from the airport around 11:50pm and then on home. I am taking Friday off so we have the first three days together. Much easier for her to get used to.

I talked to Daryl on Friday and it seems like he may not take me to the airport to pickup up Carrie. It seems this condition he has has taken a toll on him. He may set us up with Marshal or if he can’t do that he said he may have to stay in bed all day in order to take me to the airport.

He sounds good but he may not feel up to things anymore and who knows this also may have mentally taken it’s toll. That could have even worse ramifications when you think about it. If mentally he starts to decline that could take the body with him.

Time for some prayers.


You heard that correct. Carrie will be arriving in nine days.

I’m not sure why but I keep thinking Carrie will be here on the 13th of September but the actual date is the 15th of September. I think I kept thinking the 13th is because she will be leaving on the 13th of December to go home. That makes it 10 days. That tenth day will almost be the 11th day because she will be arriving around midnight of the 15th. On the plus side, I get to have the 16th through the 18th off.

This is going to be a good test to see if we can live together for a long period of time. I’m pretty sure it will be great but it is a necessary test. The last test was for five weeks and everything went wonderfully. No problems or issues. I think what will be telling is if she can be away from her family for that long.

In any case I am looking forward to her being here so badly. Now it is time to start getting ready. Clean different areas each day so by the time she it here all will be ready. I can easily to small things during the week each day and a big portion will be taken care of this weekend. Mainly things like cleaning the tubs and toilets.


Get ready for Carries arrival. I want everything to be perfect for her when she gets here.

I started this weekend on the kitchen, laundry room, guest room, main bathroom and deck. That may sound like a lot but each one by themselves did not take too much time. The longest one was the guest room. Picking up all the little items I had dumped out of bags and boxes looking for packed items. The deck just needed a little sweeping, taking down cob webs and cleaning up the barbeque, barbeque table top and bar top. Just a bit of ‘making things look nice’.

What will take the most time will be the dinning room. I need to get the pictures on the walls. Getting them up won’t be that much trouble but figuring out what picture will go where will be the tough part.

The kitchen will also be a pain in the ass. Cleaning won’t be that much trouble but keeping it clean will be. I will just need to clean up after each and every spill as it happens.

Daryl was trying to tell me he wasn’t going to drive me to work anymore but after a bit of talking I think we wanted a break but when Joe is ready for a break Daryl will be ready to take over. I asked about taking me down to Tallahassee to pick up Carrie and he was very stern in saying that he will be taking me down to pick her up.

Here is the list I have been making to get things ready.

  • Kitchen
  • Kitchen Floors (Swiffer)
  • Entryway Floor (Swiffer)
  • Laundry Room
  • Dining Room
  • Guest Room
  • Hall Closet
  • Main Bathroom
  • Master Bed Room
  • Master Bed Room Closet
  • Master Bathroom

I’ll also have to stock up on some snacks and soda before she gets here.


September 13th she will be on her way for three months!

I had a great birthday. Did not have tons of phone calls, only posts on LinkedIn and Facebook. Chris sent a meal from King Claw Juicy Seafood & Bar. She had the King Claw Boil sent. It was great! Very messy to eat but great. I think next time I have something ordered from there I’ll get an item that does not have crab legs or substitute them. Crab legs are good but the flavor is not worth the trouble to eat. The shrimp, eggs potato’s and sausage were out of this world. I slept very good that night.

Only thing, no calls from Rick, Tyra or Dad. Three of the people that ALWAYS call on my birthday.

I also received all of my vitamin supplements as well. The Super Beet gummies are good stuff. I noticed the next day that taking my vitamins again really boosts my energy in the morning. I never really paid all that much attention to it but it sure does.

As a birthday present I ordered a new laptop computer. It is refurbished but has 32gb of ram a 512gb NVME SSD and I can add my 2tb SATA SSD that has been sitting on my coffee table for the last 6 months or so collecting dust. It will be a very good work horse for quite some time. I did that to replace a computer that I will be giving to Carrie when she gets here which as the title says is now less than a month away. Btw, the computer only cost me $421.00, dirt cheap for what I am getting.

Tomorrow is my one year anniversary here at Whitcraft in Thomasville, GA. It has been bumpy but I’m not going to complain all that much. I have had a job for the last year that has paid me well. I will say I took advantage of some of the perks at first but we are all working together now. Things at Whitcraft are still seriously screwed up in the change department and nothing will fix that until the change process is changed.


Yep, Wednesday is my birthday. In the middle of the week and that sucks. No three day weekend for me this year. I usually take my birthday off but working here I have decided to NOT let everyone know it is my birthday and just celebrate Wednesday evening with Carrie.

Last week I had an epiphany. There are times when I wake up and am open to the evil one, in other words Satan entering my head. I think it is always there waiting for the invitation to come out and cause some serious harm. To me, anyone I love or my life situation just because he can. This happened last week when I stayed home Monday through Wednesday with COVID. I was sick to my stomach all day Monday through Tuesday afternoon and did not feel better until I realized exactly what had happened and let Satan into my head and take over. When that was realized is when I started feeling better, get my bible reading over with which made feel really good and then headed to work Thursday morning. It ended up being a fantastic week. Including the following weekend.


Most interns last day was Friday, July 29th. The last to leave will be Daniel Bolden. All have been very smart with some at the beginning really trying to steal the spot light from other. It was interesting to watch the dynamics between all of them. The most interesting thing to watch from an experienced Manufacturing Engineer’s perspective is how they each go about solving problems or attacking a task they were given.

Some would dive in with both feet and figure out their own way to accomplish the task assigned after some training if it was required. Actually all would just in with both feet and sink or swim with none of them actually sinking they all did well in their own ways. There was one that would go to the nth degree in his tasks and at times make things much more complicated than they needed to me. This one was also the most intellectual of all of them. All except one was trying to impress Hans every step of the way and was good but only because Hans likes to have his ego stroked. He needs to believe you respect him and not because he is a person deserving respect but because he a manager requiring respect. Two different things, one being a good outlook on yourself and the latter not so good.

The intern I was working with the most was it a completely different category and was not really trying to impress anybody. He was here to learn and that he did and did well. He actually working Manufacturing Engineering tasks and conquered the paperwork battle very well. He sent me his resume last Friday to look through and give him some advise. I think he will be applying for a position here when he graduates.

A large number of people at work have been coming down with COVID-19. One of our engineers was out for almost 2 months total time with it. Another ~10 in the factory, management and quality engineering. All of which I was exposed to prior to them being out for a week. Last week Daryl was away for a little vacation and I was taken to work and picked up by Joseph. Monday he wasn’t feeling well and by Tuesday he was COVID-19 positive. He still took me to work and home every day. Thursday I was not feeling well at all with cold sweats slight headache and couldn’t eat our free lunch. When I got home I took a test and was negative. I took it again Friday morning before work and was still negative. I’m starting to think that when I was very sick January of 2020 after getting home from Seattle I had COVID-19 then. After that plus getting the two shots, the second of which really knocked me down I think gave me the antibodies needed. With that being said, being sick with it January of 2020 gave me the immunity with the vaccine in March and April of 2021 were actually two booster shots.

One can only hope.

New site covering miscellaneous activities including my favorite activity: Blender