It came from a very strange email. On February 6th, Monday, everyone received and email from our manager. We all were CC’d on the email, the email was to HR. In the email he requested a list of all of the engineering team member swipes for the previous week. That week was the week he was gone for some reason, maybe a class of some sort. In other words, he was checking on when we all arrived to work the week he was gone. This could be considered intimidation, in other words a form of workplace harassment. This would be illegal. I have since forwarded that email to home in case it happens to go missing.

This is also a Holiday. Presidents’ Day to be precise. Nice to have another three-day weekend.

Will not see another three-day weekend until the end of May, Veterans’ Day.


I think it was on YouTube when I was watching ‘The Nomadic Fanitic’. He was at Disney World, at the MM store and was trying to create his own M&M’s. The system was down at the time, but I went to the M&M website and was able to create these.

Pretty cool huh. They have already shipped and are set to arrive on the 8th of February. Wonder if I’ll let her open them. They also come in a gift container that looks like this.


I received an email from Chris with the information needed to have the inheritance distributed. I had to complete a form telling them my name SSN, phone and address including Dad’s SSN birth date and date of death. Write a signed letter letting them know the same information from the form. All this had to be sent to them with the death certificate and photos of my ID.

Rick sent his certified mail I sent mine regular mail because there is no hurry because reading the will it stated that the those of us who survive him by 60 days will receive the disbursements. This of course means we will not get anything for at least 60 days after his death. This would be 60 days after December 30th, 2022, or February 28th, 2023.

My concern at this point is after the 60 days and after we receive the check, what do I do with the money. It all depends on the amount. if it is under $10,000.00, I can deposit directly into my checking account in Tulsa, OK. If it is over that amount, I think I need to open an account here in Thomasville, GA then close my account in Tulsa. Opening up a Chase Checking and Savings account could be an option as well. Then it could be used across the US and I would not have to open a lot of accounts in different states.


That is a question I am now asking with the advent of my dad passing away. The reason that question came up is that Chris is going to email the will for all to read and she mentioned that there is substantial money involved. I don’t know what she thinks is substantial money.

Daryl Strickland passed away the night of Wednesday the 25th of January. He was a very good friend and will be sorely missed.


The Galaxy Z Flip 4 is my new phone. Much smaller than the Z Fold 3 I lost; I like it.

News Flash!! When I got home on Tuesday the 10th, I fixed a dinner and placed my new phone on the charging pad. Just a couple minutes later my phone starting ringing. At this time of the day, it is usually some sales call from Washington, and I ignore them. This time I looked at who was calling at I was shocked to see “Lost and Found” on the screen.

I was in shock. I answered the phone, and it was the Delta Airlines lost and found department in Alabama. She asked me if I had lost anything on my last trip, I said, ‘yes I did’ and described my phone to which she let me know that she had it. She asked if I had filled out a Delta Airlines lost item report and I told her that I had not and that I thought I lost the phone in the Atlanta Airport on my way to the next gate. She filled out a form for me and sent an additional email asking for shipping instructions with payment information. When I reply they will promptly send me my phone! Woo Hoo, someone actually turned in my phone.

Phone arrived, packaged very well on Tuesday the 17th of January. Now to send it in for the upgrade deal.


Yes, the title for this post is ‘Losing your phone’. I did this on the way to Seattle. While at the Atlanta airport on Saturday the 31st I was using my phone in the bathroom right when I got there. I was in a hurry and letting Carrie know I was in Atlanta and on my way to the next connection. Thinking about the best way to get to the gate and hurrying up I left my phone in the bathroom, (I think). By the time I realized it I was already halfway to the gate and did not have time to go back and look for it.

Of course, I was in a big hurry when I left my apartment getting up at 3:05am and needing to leave by 3:30am I did not notice that I had messages from my sisters from the previous evening. They were telling me that my dad had already passed away. If I had listened to these I would not have been in so much of a hurry and probably not lost my phone.

In order to purchase a new phone, I had to pay off the balance of my old VERY expensive Z-fold 3 phone then get the new phone financed. All in all, a very expensive error on my part.

Getting all my contacts and apps onto the new phone was a fairly easy process by logging into my Samsung account and letting them do their thing. I took a bit of time, but everything was good to go in a couple of hours.

First week back to work was actually great. Not that the company changed or anything but the people, as I talked about earlier were very nice when I came back. The company is horrible, the people are not.


From working at a company that literally sucks the hippieness and life out of you to a Christmas break where I was sick as hell with the flu and a cold to my dad passing away on the 30th this year was the year from hell.

It can only get better from here.

I spent the end of the year at our house in Auburn, WA with Carrie and we did have a great time. She met Tyra and Lee and then we spent the afternoon of the 5th with Chris and Greg.

After August 17th I will be able to leave here without owing them any money and just need to decide if I am going to stay longer. This place is seriously the worst place I have ever worked. The people are nice but my goodness the management and philosophy of the company are absolutely horrible. I have coined a new term for any extremely mentally unhealthy companies. The new term is “Industrial Dementor” aka the Harry Potter series. The term denotes any company that sucks the life and sole from you.

New site covering miscellaneous activities including my favorite activity: Blender