What a weekend

I was hoping to have at least one day off this weekend but first thing Saturday morning I get phone calls from work with a need for some help. I did not need to physically go in but I spent three hours helping out from my dining room (in my boxers of course). Then on Sunday I spent another 16 hours at an absolutely unnecessary meeting which I finally, quietly walked out on at eight pm which is a couple hours past my bed time.

I planned on working on the modules from the Architecture Academy in the mornings both days but the phone call killed that idea and the 16 hours on Snuffed that as soon as Rick showed up to work at five thirty. Well I got my time in and close to finishing that first module so I can get back to my Pilot. Here is a first render of the Lounge Room from The Architecture Academy.


CGcookie – Courses

cgcookie.com has really stepped up to the plate these last few weeks with an abundance of interviews and new courses. With the length and quality being produced they have really raised the bar!

If you have not, check them out.


Strange Stress Relief

This may sound a little strange but last night I woke up with the answer. I need to work longer and harder showing some progress with the task that has been assigned to me. So, I am now working 14hrs per day allowing me to show adequate progress for myself, to myself and this will not allow anybody to call meetings extend them too long and drive me crazy. Sounds like a strange fix but it sure worked today 🙂

Why did I come home so stressed

Today was a great day. I got all but four items complete on my list that started at 18 and ended at 44 so I just about doubled that. Ran another BOM compare with results better than last week and added service procurement to plans needing them along with having two other created from scratch. All it all a great day yet I came home stressed because someone called a meeting for 30 minutes and due to a lack of preparation the meeting lasted an hour.

I think I should get over that.

P.S. I also worked on the pilot character this morning adding ears which did not turn out all that bad. I will try again tomorrow to do better because I am a perfectionist.

TreeSketch 3.0

I found this great program for the iPad called ‘TreeSketch 3.0’ in the app store the other day. It is a free download and the program is able to create great looking trees with just a few hand jestures. It is very intuitive as I could use it directly after download without watching any of the tutorials which are quite good so if you are inclined to, download this app and give it a try. I found a few comments regarding individuals having problems with the app with regard to uploading to dropbox but I found no problems. Once uploaded you can import the tree into blender as a .obj. When imported you have materials setup for the leaves and branches, diffuse color is white so you need to change that and you are good to go for a tree in your scene. As imported they are perfect for distance placement however for close up you will need to add textures to the branches and leaves and this program makes this easy. The .zip file uploaded into dropbox also contains the .png textures for the leaves and bark plus a hires transparent .png for use.

I recommend giving this program a shot as it is fantastic especially for a free program.

(I’ll upload a tree this afternoon when I am home)

The Architecture Academy

I did it and after viewing all the videos in the Fundamentals sections I feel this will be well worth the cash outlay and yes I was one of the first 100 to register 🙂 and very happy to say I am excited to get started.

Forgot my dang USB at home this time. I am going to have to find a way to transfer files between home and work now that we cannot access dropbox here. (I wonder if they have bitcasa blocked?)

My Morning Blender Time Taken

Came in to work this morning at 3:50 and a colleague (who is never here until 9:00 or 10:00) was already here and ate up all my Blender time. On a saving note, Topshot is on tonight so I have plenty of time when I get home to catch up. With regard to The Architecture Academy, I think I will do it. I need to get to the website by noon today to be one of the first 100 people @47.00 or 37.00 per week (have not decided which one) to get some other goodies.

New site covering miscellaneous activities including my favorite activity: Blender