Yep, Carrie found a car right here in Thomasville for sale. 4,000.00. Looked on Tuesday.
We went to Enterprise Rent-a-car and received a Volkswagen Passat. It is nice and has some serious get up and go.
She has been checking on wedding dresses, shoes, gloves etc. for our wedding. I am getting nervous but not in a bad way. It is just the way I am and when things are all said and done everything will be great.
Last Thursday I spent the entire day working on items that needed to be done for Pratt & Whitney Canada and America. Everything felt great, I was feeling better than I had been and all was well until….
Justin said he needed to see me and walked me down to Pat’s office and just said, in here and walked away. Hans Jorgensen and Joe Fisher were sitting at the table and Justin walked away.
Hans proceeded to say that because Pursuit had been losing a lot of money, they had decided to readjust the Engineering team and my job had been eliminated. He stopped speaking from that point on. Joe then proceeded to start with all the HR bull shit.
After that little speech I was told that Justin would see me outside the door. During this interaction Hans kept his mouth shut and did not utter another word. When I got up to leave, they both just sat there and did not offer a handshake. I’m the one that put out their hand to shake theirs and they still did not get up.
I boxed up my things and left. It was the most unprofessional meeting I’ve ever had. It was an extension of the age and experience of the worst manager I have ever had. Manufacturing Engineer to Engineering Manager at his age shows.
Carrie is here and getting a car has been an ordeal. We decided to rent one last week and will have it two weeks or more while we look for a vehicle.
I took last Friday off so I could spend the three-day weekend with her while she rested from the trip.
Carrie slept most of the day on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. She didn’t get up till almost 1pm on Sunday.
We have had the most spectacular time together though. Time to find a car.
Terribly busy the last week. With the Kaizen happening last week and thank God I was not involved but my interns have been doing fantastically.
Starting to clean things up around the apartment. Not a lot to do but just pick things up and get organized.
I sent things to Kitty at P&W last week for the corrective action on our audit and she was happy, but I have a lot to do by the end of the year.
That is correct, 17 days and counting!
Last week was not so good. A lot of scrap, new routers needed at the last minute again. Alternate routers needed for GE.
Then the weekend came, and it was not so good. Drank too much did not complete my tasks but I did order my 3D printer.
Getting things and the apartment ready.
I purchased a blower this week for cleaning off the deck.
This was another fantastic week. All week our scrap rate was low until we hit Friday. Holy crap. Our totals for Pratt Canada two 306 parts, one in which the cutter fell out of the tool holder. The set screw was over torqued or not set tight enough or the cutter shattered. I heard all three scenarios, and I don’t know which happened. The other was an over aggressive polisher that had not been trained on polishing Pratt Canada parts. The possibility of more exists because they gave her a cart of 24 parts.
We had another 40 F100x1’s scrapped at the broach. I have spent all weekend trying to figure out how to prevent that from happening. I don’t know.
A toilet was leaking in the master bathroom and when they came to fix it on Thursday, they fixed the wrong bathroom. I had to place another work order for them to fix on Friday. They got the correct one this time but I’m not sure if they fixed it or just caulked around it, hiding the leak.
I used the blower on Friday, cleaning the deck and it worked great.
On Friday I did my annual quality training and it spoke of the four fundamentals of quality. The first fundamental is ‘Training’ and this is what it said.
“I Will:
Only perform work for which I have been specifically trained and approved to perform. (if unsure, ask your supervisor)
Not ask or direct someone to perform work in which they have not been trained”
Amazing, this is precisely what happened with the Prat Canada 306 parts on Friday.
Until next week…..
Carrie arrives in one month. I can’t wait.
Yep, one month.
This past week was outstanding. Hans took Monday off and I spent most of the day updating all my spreadsheets for our budget and then started working on the Supernote and organizing everything.
Wednesday I also thought someone took my small notebook and pen, but it turns out I left it in another place. I looked there but someone had already picked it up. I ended up ordering another one that night and the next day it was returned to me. I felt pretty bad about assuming I worked with a bunch of thieves.
I asked Carrie if she would like a Roomba automatic vacuum cleaner and she said yes. The next thing I did was purchase one. $961.63 and a couple days later it arrived. I purchased the J7+ combo with vacuum and mopping features including the charging base which will dump the bin when full. I worked on setting it up on Sunday but need to give it more time for the mapping feature and make sure I’m around to get things out of the way. The Christmas village was in the way, but it was able to work around it.
I had a few movies I wanted to watch this weekend including, North by Northwest, Us, I know who killed me and The Happening. I did not watch any of them and instead watched Dungeons & Dragons Honour Among Thieves. That movie was pretty good.
Friday Joe Ritter messaged me and was hinting at something I had told him I would do but forgot about. I told him if he needed help, I would help out with $1000.00. I had forgot so I sent it right away. I woke up in the middle of the night thinking I was going to be short in that account. After checking things out, I’ll be fine.
All in all it was a great week.