I added my Christmas Tree to my blank room model both as an appended file and as a linked file. I did this because yesterday when I linked the files none of the textures or the particle system came over but when I appended the file textures and the particle system rendered just fine. Today I tried an experiment and created files using both techniques, rendered the results and was going to post here showing what was happening but to my surprise everything work in both cases as you can see below. I don’t know what I did wrong before but I will use the append method saving file space for the final blend.
I am working on a scene for the new competition from the BlenerGuru for Christmas. My theme will be ‘Travel during Christmas’ or more like what it is like when you are traveling for work during the Christmas holiday. I have the room walls, floor and ceiling modeled and have selected from textures form CGTextures.com for the walls and floors of the kitchen and bathroom. Heading to therapy now but will get to work today as soon as I get back.
I have decided it is time to get back into the swing of things, Blender, Unity, Work… etc. I remember when I was at the hospital I wanted to go back to work 3 days after my heart attack looking back on those thoughts and how I felt at that time and comparing to how I feel now I was mistaken. With the changes I have made to my diet and exercise which in turn has made be feel much better than I did prior to the health problems I feel it is time to focus on getting back to work. This includes working in Blender and Unity.
Today, I had a breakdown in will power. I had been doing so well  but my hunger got to me and I broke down I had a little too much sodium (bad for blood pressure).
Well, last week when April said she would be my trainer for Cardio therapy she said she would make me sweat and she kept her promise this morning! When I told her one of my goals was to start riding my bicycle again and get up to 20 miles that is exactly where she focused the adjustments to my workout. My Heart Rate (HR) was raised to 150 beats per minute (bpm) and I was sweating profusely. I am definitely not use to this but I am looking forward to getting use to it. 🙂
Once I get my routine worked out I’ll be back hard at work with Blender and Unity.
After my latest appointments with my primary care physician and the cardiologist, I do not have another appointment with the primary care for four to five months and the next appointment with the cardiologist is not until January 16 of 2015. Cardio Therapy began this week and went well and I will be participating Monday, Wednesday and Thursday for the next three months.
There was a confusion with one of my medications because my primary care doctor did not renew one of the three medications I called in for renewal. Not being one that knows anything about medications I figured I would renew the ones they called in and ask about the other when I saw him. Well, I asked about it when I saw the cardiologist because my blood pressure was quite high when I was there and it turns out the one medication they did not call in was the most important medication I take. I had to purchase a BP monitor and now watch my pressure during the day from now on, calling in if it stays high so they can adjust as necessary. To date my blood pressure has remained good, the last reading I took at 3:00pm today was 124/77 with a heart rate of 75, all pretty dang good.
I saw that Andrew Price has announce a new Christmas competition. I think  will enter this one with a subject of “Hotel Christmas – “.
Well, feeling better and hope to be back to work soon.
It has been almost a month since my heart attack and am starting to feel better. The sore throat is just about gone but the pain in my chest because of the compressions still hurts and a sneeze is very painful. It is getting better though.
Chapter 9 is starting to kick my butt. It is not the chapter itself but Unity crashed on me (for the first time) and I had not been saving the scene and project like I usually do. I have had to back up and figure out what actually saved and what did not, I know all the C# scripts are saved but not what has been saved within the project.
Dang, now it seems like I did not save some of the things I had done yesterday. The reward systems looks to be working ok but now the countdown percent does not seem to be consistent. When the percent get to zero the garden gnome stops all function properly but the stork still delivers after I have only one bunny left. It should stop counting down.
Looks like i have some trouble shooting to do tomorrow morning. The trouble shooting process really brings to light what I have learned and what I am just doing verbatim by the book without learning. Hopefully not the latter and troubleshooting will go soothly.
I am having so much fun working in this book it is hard to stop. I have not moved over to the other computer so I have not been able to get any screen shots. I will tomorrow morning.
New site covering miscellaneous activities including my favorite activity: Blender