Experiment starts in one week

My experiment starts in one week, 08-13-2018. For the record, my blood pressure isn’t that bad right now. Below is a graph I created from the BP application I use. As you can see there are no wonky numbers there except for the occasional low diastolic I get at times around lunch time and after a workout. Those readings usually indicate I have not had enough water lately.

Blood Pressure – July 2018

B/P this morning: 115/66

Physical Body Experiment

I am going to experiment with my body after my birthday Aug 10th and the duration will be at least 3 months. I will start off with the post on the following Monday with my weight, resting heart-rate and blood pressure after my morning walk. Those values should be, in order, 234-230, 78-80 and 116/65 (I’ll compare these values to the actual values on that Monday and see how accurate I was).

I have been struggling with my weight loss for about a year now and can’t seem to leave the 227-230 mark. I can, at times get to around 224 and then the weekend hits and I blow up again or some vacation days etc.. The single item that I’m sure and effect on every one of those measurement points is the quantity of alcohol I consume between Friday night and Saturday. This quantity will seem staggering to most but I am quite sure has me unable to breach this wall with regard to weight and keeps my blood pressure and resting heart-rate higher than I like.

With all that said, my plan is to, starting the Monday after my birthday, I’m giving myself one last hurrah, I will completely shut down my intake of alcohol. This will markedly reduce my calorie consumption for the weeks while maintaining my workout schedule. I am very much looking forward to a healthier me and can’t wait to see the numbers. I think they will be fantastic and I just might see my goal weight of 180.

Last Friday after my morning walk my numbers were:

  • Weight: 230
  • Resting Heart-rate: 73
  • BP: 102/55

Those number are after a week of working out and normal weekday eating habits, no alcohol. The numbers always decrease during the week and then explode again on the weekend. I’m trying to remove the explosion and initiate a downward trend.

Wish me luck!


That post was created at the end of last week. This is Monday 7-30-2018 and my numbers this morning were a little supurising:

  • Weight: 233 (What I thought)
  • Resting Heart-rate: 71 (Much lower than I thought)
  • BP: 112/62 (Better than I thought)

Those numbers are not all that bad. I did cut out items I usually eat during a weekend like pasta and white rice with some delivery items like pizza or Mexican, none of which passed my lips this weekend.

Get my head in the game

Time to get my head back into the game after all this mess with Angie. She had the audacity call, not mention money, actually have a nice conversation until Sunday night. Sends message “No questions, I need 320.00 by 2:00pm”. Well the hell with her.

Angie and Me are Done

I thought it was a good thing last year when Angie and I were getting back together after the total misunderstanding by us but I was wrong. During the last year I have spend over 20,000.00 keeping her afloat and just this last month I gave her over 8,000.00 to pay off the car I told her not to buy, her dads headstone and a dumb ass load she got from the crooks that call themselves ‘Cashnetusa.com’. When I paid this off I told her she can never ask for money again. Well a week later she asks if her son Andy can borrow 150.00 (He still owes me the 300.00 he ‘borrowed’). Next she wanted to have a BBQ since it has been a year since her dad passed. I figured ok I’ll let you do that and gave her 500.00 to get a BBQ then all the fixn’s to have a good time with friends and family. What she neglected to tell me was her car needs to be fixed and she needs money for that and her mom’s checking account is overdrawn again. I forgot, along with the 8,000.00 I also added 400.00 to bring her mothers account back to black. Now she is pissed at me because I think she was irresponsible by having a freaking BBQ when she knew she needed her car fixed. Yesterday she sent a message ‘begging’ me for 350.00 to help her out and she will never ask for money again. Well, no s…t she won’t be asking for money again. She will not be talking to me ever again.

On top of all this she had her phone replaced again (fourth time) and ATT keeps calling me to find out where their phone is she is to be sending back. If I have to pay for a freaking phone because she did not send the old one back there will be hell to pay.

Haven’t had much time to do anything but this crap for the last couple weeks.

Done? Oh hell yes we are done.

Week of 06-18-2018

Last week was one for the record books. I completely annihilated the competition for the Fitbit workweek challenge with 85,000+ steps for the week. My closest challenger was at a paltry 40,000+ steps. They did not hit an average of 10,000 steps per day. Heck on Wednesday I only had around 14,000 steps.

This week started out slow with only around 8,000 steps yesterday. I’m of to the races now with 10,647 today and It’s only 8:43am. I’m sure this week won’t be like last but I’m hoping for another victory.


No work in SharePoint while I have been completing the last book review. Actually I completed two at the same time. RPG for Unity 2018 and shaders and effects in Unity 2018.

Unity, C#, Python and Blender

ASP.net is going well, however I had to reinstall GitHub for Visual Studio on one PC and another GitHub client on my PC at home. It is call GitKraken and seems to be better than the normal GitHub client.

This last weekend:

The last three weekends have been great. Eating really well with a new Italian Chicken Soup I have invented. I believe the worst item in the soup would be the noodles. I have Low salt everything with a very low calorie count. Boneless skinless chicken thighs are boiled with the soup, pulled apart when cooking is complete and put back into the soup. With some Italian seasoning when cooking it is really tasty. I thing next time I may skip the noodles and cook some brown rice to pour it over for an even healthier meal.

Week of 06-04-2018

Getting my heart back in shape needs some company. My brain needs to get whipped back into shape. I think the books I pick from Packt Publications (I am awarded three free books for the last review I have done) will be on Microsoft Azure and working in that environment along with SharePoint. I hope the books I find are up to date.


No work in SharePoint while I have been reviewing the latest RPG book for Packt along with a Unity Shaders  and Effects Book.

Unity, C#, Python and Blender

I will be deep diving into Unity, ASP.Net, Blender and Azure this week. Started with an introductory course for Microsoft Azure this weekend through Lynda.com. Starting my course for ASP.Net with Mosh and continue with the Blender course I was working on at Udemy.

This last weekend:

This last weekend was far better than the last two. I had eaten something bad and ended up with salmonella poising. This happened the weekend of 5-18-2018. I missed Monday the 21st with after having very bad Diarrhea during the entire weekend. Things did not get much better during the week and the following weekend of 5-25-2018, supposed to be a great four day weekend for me ended up being as bad as the last weekend if not worse.  Stayed out Monday again and had Sam take me to the store and get some AD medication. Not sure if I was at the end of the salmonella run or the medication did the trick but what ever happened all is well now thank God.

So far so good

Picking up the pace seems to have started working although this week I had to loose out on a Monday workout. I ate something that sure did not agree with me and ended up staying home. I actually would not have made it to work without having an accident on the way. Sure do not want to do that in Sam’s vehicle.

Share Point:

I’ll be back on SharePoint this week, Sam’s business cards should be here today and if no changes need to be made I’ll be getting back on track.

Picking up the pace

I have become addicted to working out with my Fenix 5x, Polar and Fitbit. I have been, so far this week walking three+ miles every morning and riding another nine+ miles every evening. Loving it but need to stop eating so much during the weekends. Sometimes it gets out of control with GrubHub being no help at all 🙂 .

Picking up the pace on the Peloto workout as well, adding a 10 minute cool down at the end of my 30 minute workouts every day. Hopefully this will up the anty enough for me to start loosing weight like I should be. I’m going to have to get out the Total Gym soon I think.


SharePoint has again taken a back seat to Sam’s business cards. The good news it I completed them and ordered them today, take a look.

These sure didn’t come out looking good here but I converted to .jpg from a .psd. I’ll try a .png and see if that looks better but you get the idea.

The Suburban in the front view of the card (top) is from a 3D model brought into Photoshop, adding lighting and headlamps was pretty fun to play with.

Unity, C#, Python, Blender and Adobe CC

I won’t be receiving new chapters for the RPG book I was reviewing for a while so they are sending me six chapters for a book on Unity 2018 shaders for review. I have always wanted to know how to code shaders in Unity and this is a perfect opportunity, review the book and learn something new at the same time.

I think I’ll try to duplicate the card front in Blender for a little 3D effect, shouldn’t be too difficult.

This last weekend:

Last weekend was great, I even got in a 45 minute workout Saturday morning along with a 10 minute cool down.

New site covering miscellaneous activities including my favorite activity: Blender