It cost me 750.00

It cost me 750.00 because I flew my Mavic Pro Platinum drone in my apartment and crashed it. I think the camera is broken and one of the legs broke. These contain the antenna and now it is only good for spare parts. I found a new drone, never been activated for 750.00. Looks like a get the case, two batteries charger and controller. This give me an entirely new drone package with case, seven batteries, three sets of propellers and a bunch of spare parts. All in all a good deal for the money spent but there will be no more flying a Mavic Pro in the house again,

Brain is starting to hurt!

Yes my brain. Adding more and more opening variations when playing chess makes the brain hurt but it is a good hurt.

A lot like riding my Peloton, when I get on the bike and ride the hurt is a good hurt and I feel so much better when I am done. This month has really sucked exercise wise because of that weekend when I hurt my feet. It has been a couple weeks wait till I feel well enough to get back on and it is hard to get back on that horse (bike). It is so easy for the laziness to creep back in to the routine. I’ll definitely get back in there.

Now it has been two weeks since I have given up on Angie and it feels good. Correction, not good, GREAT! I spent some more money last weekend and purchased another iPad 4 mini for exclusive use of drone flying.

Next edit for this will be picks of all my favorite drones, four of them, the Tello, Spark, Mavic Air and the Mavic Pro Platinum.

Time to say good bye

It took three years but I’m finally saying good bye to Angie. I have blocked all the phone numbers she has tried to contact me with. Including all of her kids and mutual friends. Carol knows better than to call and ask for money and I’m pretty sure Bobby will not if she tries to get him to call or text.
I have not blocked or set up any rules for email but if I get any from her that will be next. I’ll have anything transferred to trash and create a work flow that will send an email right back to her with a statement that her emails are now going straight to trash and that the email she just received was automatically sent and don’t try to respond to it.

I purchased an iPad mini 4, iPad mini holder for the controllers for the Spark, Mavic Air and Mavic Pro Platinum.

Good weekend was had by all.

And what do you think they did?

Yes, they asked for the last 800.00 that I was supposed to give them. Angie had never told them I was not going to give them any money. Well, I gave them the 800.00, asked when I could expect to see this returned and she said ‘When I get my tax return.’ I feel it is a bunch of bull shit and do not expect a fucking thing. Sorry for the language but I am tired of that entire family.

New drone

I bought a DJI Mavic Pro Platinum with the remote, five batteries charger and hard case. Have way decent price as well.

New Scam

I had a new email scam this weekend, one involving my phone. Same bullshit as before. I deleted it and will leave it at that.

20,000+ steps with consequences

A good friend of mine, Jeff Pritchett challenged me to a step challenge this past weekend and of course I accepted. Knowing it was going to be very cold this weekend starting Saturday afternoon I decided on a strategy.

The strategy was to get up early Saturday morning before the cold front hit and start walking and walk until I was to tired to walk anymore. I walked for 7.72 miles at approximately three miles per hour, give or take and 20,000+ steps taken. I figured with the rest of the day and Sunday coming up I was a shoe in to win the challenge.

As luck would have it, my feet were so swollen I could not walk even a small step for the rest of the day. I was in such pain all night sleep just did not happen. I got up Sunday morning, hobbling into the kitchen to make some sort of breakfast and sat on the couch wondering what the heck I did to my feet. Part of the way through the day I felt my left foot getting better and I continued to walk around on it hoping they both would get better for work on Monday as I had no intention on calling in. Jasmine and Terry are both out all week and I did not want to leave Dan and Jeff alone.

Monday has come and my left foot is doing ok but I was seriously worried I would not be able to get my shoe on my Right foot. As it is, both shoes went on with more than a little pain on the right side and after some ibuprofen I have in my desk along with some continuous walking around my feet are doing better. Needless to say, my strategy was not too sound and I’m quite sure I won’t be doing that sort of walking again. I may but not quite that fast and when my feet say they are tired I’m going to listen.

Yes Angie did send some stupid messages blaming me for them being evicted and out on the street as of the 27th of the month of February. I did send them 500.00 to get their rent paid but then followed up with ‘Go Away’. I never got a single thank you or any kind of response after sending that money so after that, if there is any additional contact with her or her family they will have to be blocked for good.

Not any phone calls or texts finally

This last week went wonderfully. No phone calls from Angie, Andy, Mary or LeeAnna; no texts nothing. I hope I’m done with all their crap.

Last week was fantastic. I was able to get the DRDI workflows working with only one hiccup but was able to do a search and find the error. It seems that when you create a flow with and you make a change to an action it sometime, not always but sometimes creates a data type error and you need to delete the action and redo the action. The error will then go away. I have not tried this but will shortly.

The new DGT chess board, clock and pieces are fantastic. I wish the SquareOff board was as nice as this is. I also found out what DGT stood for, “Digital Game Technology”. The quality is great of both the board and pieces are great, the clock seems a little cheap only because the brains are based on the raspberry pi and with that board being so small the clock feels like there is nothing there but it works great.

The board also came with a CD with the installation files and a copy of Fritz14 but I was not able to install anything with the CD. My computer does not have a CD reader and the external one I have would not read it. I brought it to work and downloaded all the files to my OneDrive and I will try to load from there when I get home. I’ll try on the Surface Pro 3 here at work first. With this software I should be able to play using the board as an input device and the software will show the moves. Should be able to analyze games and train with this program as well. I think it was $700.00+ well spent. I’m considering purchasing a Bluetooth version of the board as well.

I’m sure it is my fault

Where did everyone get the idea I have all this extra money I can just give away?

Starting last week I had a text from Andy, Angie’s son. He needed to talk to me asap. As it turns out he wanted some money. I’m not going to use the word ‘borrow’ some money because he has never paid any person back he has ‘borrow’ money from. He wanted $2,000.00. What the hell? These people think I’m made of money. I told Angie ‘no’ and she went ahead and told him I would and has been waiting for me to sent the money.

I gave in and finally sent them $400.00 and thought that would be it. I could finally rest and be finished with these people.

Saturday I received a text from Mary, a mutual friend of mine and Angie’s. Since I have Angie blocked from any communication with me via text, phone or email she had Mary text me telling me she needed $250.00 now and would explain later. Well I gave it to her, not expecting any explanation because I won’t listen to any and she should now know I’m done with her and her crap.

Yesterday I received a next from LeeAnna, Andy’s wife asking for money, giving me some sob story that they think Angie has been lying to them and want to work with me only and leave her out. Well, that tells me she has taken all the money and they have not received anything. I don’t know what the heck is going on and all I can do is tell them I don’t have any extra money to give away and please don’t contact me again.

Another phone number to add to the block list.

First Week Back

Last week was the first back after my Vacation back home in Seattle. Started off with greater than 400 emails to look through. I had a Microsoft Flow set up to forward all work emails to my Gmail account enabling me to address important emails as they came in but I wasn’t online constantly so I still had a bunch to read when I got back.

Supply Chain again is going to miss a cut in point and all indications show the components (Aileron) was tree’d into the bill of materials last April. For a couple of days during the week we (Manufacturing Engineering) was being asked to drive demand for the old part numbers. Needless to say I told them to pound sand (not those exact words) but we did find another solution which accommodates all of those involved in this fiasco.

This particular issue resulted in many emails with some quite high level people making some very stupid suggestions. In the end my boss thanked me for the support I gave and let me know how valuable I am to the organization. The final meeting I had was with our manager and the Program manager hashing out what we needed to do to get things workings. That meeting went very well and made the week fantastic.

Elton John Concert 2-9-2019

I purchased my tickets for the Elton John concert on Saturday 2-9-2019 this weekend and looking forward to that. After I purchased my tickets I realized that his album ‘Goodbye Yellow Brick Road’ was the first album I played on my stereo.

T. G. Vacation

One of the guys here at work is on vacation for a week. Dan went first with two weeks, I went second with two weeks and he is the last to go for a week. It will be a quiet week thank goodness.

Osmo Pocket Testing

I did some testing with the Osmo Pocket last Friday and it was perfectly timed with the latest firmware update from DJI. I set the Osmo pocket up on a tripod with the iPhone wanting to test the object tracking function. I placed my Tello drone at my front door, started it up and had the Osmo Pocket tracking its flight around the living room. Looking fantastic then realized I forgotten to start the freaking recording. I was also having problems getting the drone pared with the remote controller. Having said that everything worked great while I got the recording started while I was flying using the phone interface instead of the controller. This Friday I’ll get the remote working again and do some more testing.

Tax return is in!

I filed my taxes Monday afternoon, the soonest I have ever filed and on Friday the first of February my federal taxes were deposited into my account. Now the question is… what toys do I want to buy or am I going to use this as part of a down payment on a house. Decisions decisions….

Vacation OVER

As I said before I had a great time on this trip to Seattle. The first couple of days were a challenge with my dads hearing problems, Rick and Chris yelling trying to communicate with him and his constant worrying about everything that is none of his business.

After sitting back at home for a few days after my trip I realized I liked it and had problems getting up for work. I still love my job and will stay as long as they want but I going to find some residual income for possible retirement in a couple years.

That being said, I enrolled in a class on Udemy by Phil Ebiner regarding the creation and promoting your classes on education platforms. I think this will be one of my best options available.

Still editing photos and video from trip to the mountains. One video I did was of dinner prep. It was supposed to be a time lapse but I had the settings incorrect. I am in the process of creating a time lapse from the raw footage and then publish here.

Note: I’m liking this new version of WordPress.

New site covering miscellaneous activities including my favorite activity: Blender