Secret Weapon Use starts this week

We will now see how this secret weapon will do when it comes to my weight loss. It will be hard to use but I’m sure it will be worth it.

Had a great weekend again. I did not fly this weekend, the weather was to cooperating but I did figure out what kind of app to create for both the iOS and Android. A log book for Drone pilots. A log that will keep track of battery hours and cycles, store your flight logs from DJI. A check list and much more. Charge a couple of bucks and see where that would go.

After I create the App then I’ll use that as a step into instruction in Udemy. Teach people how I did created, put it on the iOS and Android stores and possibly include the Microsoft store with it.

After that, create a small book to publish about the same topic.

P.S. The Secret Weapon is a secret until I find how well it works. So you will have to wait and see.

Second half of year weight loss starts now

Beginning now, the start of June I’m going to work on weight loss in earnest. Along with this I purchased the part 107 course from for my part 107 UAS license. I continue to work on my journey learning chess and downloaded the new 2.8 version of Blender. I have high hopes of using at least some of these things to start earning some residual income for retirement, if nothing else it keeps me entertained.

Angie has not contacted me for some time now regarding money and that makes me quite happy. We did talk on Friday and she kept things very cordial and it was nice for a change.

My elbow, which I thought I had hyper extended seems to get worse if I don’t exercise which sounds funny but that seems to be what I need to do. So this in fact will help a lot for losing the weight I want as well.

The Osmo Action, yes I purchased on and am quite happy with it however, the YouTube fanboys of DJI don’t seem to want to talk about the things it is missing over the GoPro Hero 7 Black. The front facing screen is nice and helps a lot when vlogging but the camera does not have GPS in order to view G force, location or speed data which was really nice while it was using it on my trip to Seattle. It also will not stream video to YouTube like the GoPro will. There also seems to be some problem with condensation on the front screen as well but I have not seen that.

I was curious about the image stabilization and the motion when walking with either camera. The Osmo action seems to be a little bit better but I heard about some software that makes the Hero 7 black much better than the Osmo. I wonder if it will work with the Osmo Pocket and what kind of affect After Effects may have on the Z-axis when walking with that. Will need to check it out.

Dinner is ready now so time to sign off – TTYL, Mike

All getting back to normal

Had a great weekend along with some flying time on Friday. With so much wind blowing I had to bring her down quickly. Getting too many warnings of high wind velocity.

Played a bit with my new camera. The menu system is a little intimidating but I’ll be getting used to it in no time.

Saturday we had some crazy storms in the morning triggering a bunch of tornado warning alarms but they all turned out to be false alarms.

Speaking of the camera, I wish I had it earlier and was familiar with the menu system and how to take some video or burst shots. I could have come away with some good lightening shots. I also purchased a couple of fast wide angle lenses and the best item was a converter for the Cannon EF lenses to the Sony E lens mounts. Now I don’t have to sent my old Cannon lenses out to the pasture.

When I start collecting some video and still images I’ll post here pronto. Looking forward to playing. Next weekend should be good. It will be a long one, three days but long enough.

Another item worth mentioning, I did have not heard from Angie in over a week now. I did get a money request for 65.00 but ignored the heck out of that. Maybe she will now get the hint. I have really hated doing this to her but she would not stop, get things together and take care of herself. She is 54 years old now and you would think she would have enough self esteem to fend for herself. I miss they way she used to be and I do think a lot of the blame can fall on me for letting her take advantage like she has. But.. it’s over ‘crossing fingers’ finally.

Now lets see if they pay me back….. I’m not going to hold my breath.

Heck, Bryan sent me this note telling me how he has this spreadsheet all set up and will start paying me back $30.00 at a time. With his schedule he thought he could do it by the end of July (I think that is what he said). Well, a have received one payment of $30.00 about three weeks ago and nothing since.

At times I like to ask myself, what do they think of themselves when they make promises like that and then don’t follow up on their commitments.

I am proud of the fact that I have never borrowed any money from any person, friend or family and not paid them every dime back. Sometimes I actually paid much more than I borrowed.


I don’t like to hate….

I really hate Angie. LeeAnne again started asking for money again, saying it would be the last time, she promises. Andy just started his job and his pay check was only for a couple days blah blah blah.. We will get our taxes in two weeks and we will pay you everything back blah blah. They wanted another 580.00, I gave them 400.00, told them that is it and any more emails or requests including Angie doing PayPal money requests would be considered harassment and I would press charges. I think she believed me because I have not heard a peep out of them since last Friday. I was so pissed off. 100:1 I don’t get crap out of them when they get their taxes. I don’t have a clue how they would pay me back anyway.

On to better things. Last Thursday I had my yearly review from Jasmine and holy cow, I thought last years review was good. This one was awesome and it included a 3.7% raise to boot. Most of the time when Jasmine doesn’t talk to me, which is all the time and most days I just look it like this, if needs me she will talk to me otherwise no news is good. During our review conversation she actually reiterated exactly that point which I was thankful for. She really is a good boss. Like she said, “She doesn’t micromanage people because she doesn’t like to be micromanaged” and I like that.

That was two pieces of good news last week. Review and raise, another was a bonus we are getting along with our paycheck next week. 9.3 days of pay which should equate to about 2,000.00. I already spent 999.00 of it on a new camera. This camera is fantastic and highly recommended by ‘The Everyday Dad’ on YouTube. It is a Sony A6400. I’ll post a picture of it next week. Of course I will have to take the picture with my old Cannon Rebel xT. Think about it, that old camera is 12mega pix, doesn’t do video and still has a price tag of 600.00. Pictures aren’t half bad though. The new camera is 24.2mega pix, shoots video and had an array of auto focus tricks not to mention time lapse video. I should get the camera on Friday, and I can’t wait.

I’m thinking of getting a newer DGT chessboard with bluetooth but have not made up my mind yet. May wait on that because I like the board I have and just save a little bit longer and get a Mavic 2 Pro with the Hasslblad camera. Not exactly sure what I’m going to do, may just keep saving until….. don’t know…

Last Friday I flew the Mavic Pro three times at around 20 minutes each flight. I adjusted the maximum flight distance to 8000 feet and was able to do a lot of exploring around the neighborhood. I’ll be using this footage to experiment in Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects. I saw some drone footage from another on ‘Thursday night live’ where he created a bit of a war zone. I thought that might be fun. I’m going to use the video from my new camera to play with some of the effects we can do in blender as well.

Time to sign off till next week, See ya!

Bit the bullet for code training

One of my favorite instructors on Udemy advertised a new batch of training materials with other trainers creating the “Ultimate Tech Career Toolbox 2019” with thousands of dollars worth of training materials for 239.00. If I had not waited a day I could have saved another 40.00 but I flinched. Looks like a great deal and help toward my goal of the residual income for retirement.

Now I need to spend quite a bit of time downloading all the content. I’m going to put it all on a stand alone drive just for training etc.

Angie kept sending Money requests and on Tuesday I had 14 for a total of 8,800.00 and 40 rejected phone calls. They want me to make a house payment for them plus give money to Andy so he can go to his new job. Angie then tried to call twice with someone else’s phone and when I would not answer I got an email tell me to ‘Turn the f…king phone off’ I said fine and two days later I complied with her request.

Last night I gave LeeAnne 100.00 so Andy can go to work and start getting a paycheck. She then proceeded to ask if I was going to help with the house payment. Andy should just ask for an advance on his pay to get himself out of the situation they have got into. I’m done with them.

Friday afternoon, before the sun set I had a fantastic flight with the Mavic Pro. About 20 minutes long and I’ll do some editing in Camtasia and Premier Pro for experimentation and learning these two pieces of software. I know Camtasia but not Premier Pro. I’ll also throw the video clips into After Effects as well and see what I can come up with. It will be fun.

One thing I need to do is change the maximum flight distance for the Mavic Pro. I keep running into that and then because I had such a great time I forget to change it.

This is getting rediculous

I had a great weekend with a fantastic flight on Friday that ended with the Mavic Pro reaching its max distance for some reason. This distance was just short of where I wanted to explore over the mini forest. I’ll try and post a picture from the video later this week.

What was also nice, is I didn’t hear from Angie at all this weekend. This in fact was nice because all I had in my journal was Angie requesting money, Andy getting a new phone and requesting money, Angie sending another request for money, on and on and on. I sent a letter stating I would not give anymore money until the 2,900.00 was paid in full and that did not stop them. They are relentless.

I’m at a loss as to what to do with this woman

I typed that title last week when I had another money request through PayPal from Angie for 250.00 because she wanted to get her grandbaby something for Easter. My take on that is this little one needs to grow up learning what Easter is about and not that Easter means getting presents.

Well, I declined the request again and never heard anything the rest of the week. Crossing my fingers here but the next time I want to hear from any of them is when I am being paid the 2750.00 back. Not that I really think that will ever happen.

Another good sign was that I received an email from Bryan stating that he was going to start paying me back. I actually received a payment from him on Saturday for 30.00 just like he said.

I said awhile ago I would put up a picture of my toys well here it is in all their glory

The image is little blurry because I had no external light but starting at the back left to right is a Mavic Pro and Mavic Pro Platinum, second row is a Mavic Air and Spark, finally a Tello. All of them are great I have the most flight time on the Spark because I purchased the Air and Pro/Pro Platinum during the winter months and have only had good weather a couple times. I love this hobby.

A new passion of mine have become this, I’m sure the pictures will make it clear.

This chessboard is called SquareOff and is and automatic chessboard. You play your piece, white or black and the board will move it’s piece. It looks pretty spooky at first but the quality is fairly good. I have purchased another board since this one, a DGT board and it is VERY nice. I’ll post pictures of that one next week.

For now have a great week and I’ll speak at you later.

Who the heck does she think she is

After such a great weekend last week Angie had to spoil it. I went ahead and gave the 200.00 she requested via PayPal for her grand baby and she has the nerve to send another request for 150.00. I cancel the requests and she just sends another, starting to piss me off.

During the weekend I cleaned all the drone stuff away from the dining room window and brought everything to the bedroom closet. It looks really good. Now I need to get rid of all the styrofoam packaging materials. I think a quick trip to the garbage should do the trick sometime this week.

I’m getting back into keeping thinks clean around the house and my health up. The weight is still a problem but I should be able to tackle that easy enough as soon as I can get back on the bike. I have injured my elbow by keeping it too tense and it is very sore right now. To the point it hurts just opening a door.

Work is going well, Dan is starting to do more of my work for some reason but I’m sure that is nothing to worry about. If there was some problem, Dan would let me know. I have spend some time cleaning up the permissions in SharePoint and adding all of the ME group (both programs) to VCR so any individual can work on whatever program Jasmine wants them to work.

The automated DR/DI system in SharePoint seems to be working out now. When a new item is received messages/email are sent to the required individuals and the log seems to be filled out correctly.

I had to start the mandatory training for the year today, nothing like waiting till the last minute to complete the training. Deadline is Monday the 15th of April and I started on Thursday the 12th. Doesn’t seem like I waited too long but I’m taking Monday off so I have two days to complete the training.

Well worth the 750.00

Flying the Mavic Pro Platinum in the house and ending the evening with a broken leg was not fun and purchasing a new drone cost me 750.00

Why was it worth the 750.00? Well, the seller on eBay contacted me and let me know the drone I purchased was not a Mavic Pro Platinum as advertised. It was in fact a Mavic Pro and a Mavic Pro fly more combo at that which also was not advertised. All in all I purchased a Mavic Pro fly more combo worth 1,299.00 for 750.00. I end up with both a Mavic Pro Platinum (broken leg but not unusable), Mavic Pro (like new), eight batteries, two carrying bags, two remotes, all the accessories and a great hard case. I am very happy.

On to Angie. She sent an email asking for another 200.00 because her grand baby was attacked by a dog, she sent a picture with kind of broke my heart. I told her no and of course I get the guild treatments etc.. Then she had the guts to send a money request through PayPal for the 200.00. Friday I went ahead and sent the money and again thought it would be it. No, in fact she went ahead and sent another request for 150.00 on Sunday morning. I went into PayPal, canceled the request. Who the heck does she think she is? I’m so done with her, I can’t believe I actually thought there could be something between us at one point in time. So dang stupid I am.

New site covering miscellaneous activities including my favorite activity: Blender