I was given the opportunity to start a supscription to Hello Fresh. This is a food delivery service that delivers complete ‘ready to cook’ meals with all ingredients and instructions. I have to learn to keep some essential cooking ingrediants at the house like sugar, salt etc. but for the most part everything is there.
Here is a picture of the first meal I made Sunday morning.
Burgers from Hello Fresh
Had to delay my ride this weekend, I was going to ride on Saturday but my phone holder/charger was broken. I’m not sure when that happened but the I need the phone holder with me. I ordered a new one and when that arrives I’ll charge it up and hit the road.
I changed out the mirrors and seat. The seat because I was having so many problems last weekend and the mirrors because the ones I had ordered were do cheap.
New mirrors are nice and sturdy, the other would change positions with the wind while riding and they kept coming out of the handle bars.
The new seat, unlike the old one stayed in the position I placed it when the clamp was tightened. I also added some loctite between the pressure plates in the clamp as well. Hopefully ensuring the seat doesn’t’ move while riding. The seat also holds my anti theft alarm much better as well.
I also purchased some riding shorts, loose fitting that I can use my padded shorts with. I ordered the largest size they had, triple ‘X’, based on their size chart should have fit but they will still too freaking tight. This morning, Monday 10-21-2019 I ordered another pair of shorts, this time getting 5x. Waist size, miniumu 42 and max 57. These should fit. By the time I finally got the shorts and the mirrors put on it was too late in the afternoon to ride. The temp had also risen to a point where it would have been uncomfortable riding in my jeans.
I also made some lateral adjustments to the phone holder allowing better access to the Osmo Action camera. In its previous position, the access door for the camera mount would rub against the phone holder. Not bad but moving it made everything that much better.
Better luck next weekend. The weather looks great and I am more than ready!
On another note, I tried to call Dad yesterday afternoon before bed and he still didn’t answer. He called back about 10:10pm, well past my bed time. Well, talk to you soon Dad.
On Monday of last week thought about and created a list of accessories to purchase for my Lectric bike when it arrived. On Tuesday I had the feeling I needed to place my order now and at the same time I added a couple additional items. I changed the seat I put on the list and added an anti-theft alarm, a Rockbros bike rack trunk w/pannier, slime anti-flat tube sealant and an action camera mount.
Hopefully the handlebar extender I ordered will hold the phone holder and camera mount and possibly add the remote for the alarm as well.
When I got home on Tuesday I was making a salad for dinner and I received a phone call from the office asking if I was currently at home. Fedex was there and going to deliver a ‘big’ box. Whoo hoo! My bike has arrived! Since I had not heard from Lectric Bikes I was expecting an email from them tomorrow letting me know the tracking number and then delivery on Monday.
That’s why I had the feeling to order everything. At is stands most items will be arriving tomorrow with the balance coming on Thursday. After checking the weather for the weekend I think I will be doing some riding!
I am very excited. (I can’t believe ‘I’ actually said that).
P.S. I actually held off on opening the box until Wednesday afternoon when I can plan the location to film the unboxing and assembly. Total time should be about 30 minutes. 27 minutes to unbox and take off all the wrappings etc. and 3 to unfold and display.
Total time was about a half an hour to set unbox, unfold and set for proper display.
I spent almost the entire day Saturday adding all of the accessories I purchased. It took the entire day because of some fit issues. First the extension tube mounting bracket did not fit well. The handle bar tube seems to be on the small side and the width is quite narrow as well necessitating the use of the extension bar. I added a wraps of packing tape to increase the diameter of the handle bar for the extension bar which worked fantastic.
The Battery Bank phone holder and Action Camera holder were placed on that.
The cute little bell was moved to the other side of the handle bars finishing up the additions there. See the pics below for the final product.
Bike with new accessories attached
Here are all the attached accessories.
Side view showing back trunk/pannierRear
This bike, even though I have problems with the seat post and seat was so much fun to ride.
This week I’m going to try a new method of creating my blog post. I will be using my phone to dictate of via voice to Microsoft word and then from word I will copy and paste this document into my blog post.
So far this is working really well and I what I have to say so far is that this weekend has gone very well it’s only Saturday right now but I’m enjoying it very much a recap of last week will be following.
Saturday night did not go so well I was very sick and I got up 3 times and getting sick. It was very bad. Today being Sunday I was recuperating this morning from last night’s bout with the stomach flu. Today I have been using my camera with my new lens (20mm with ultra wide adapter) with the Crane M2. I’m getting better at using the gimbal and all of its different functions. I’m also in the process of charging all my batteries and need to figure out how I’m going to pack everything in my camera bag and what exactly am going to be taking with me on vacation.
This last week went but went fairly well Jasmine has been gone and I had been the boss for this entire week and all of next week. Dan told me that he and interview down in Texas for a new job contracting and then he told me had a interview this Monday the 16th at Nordam for an ME position and then he told me that he got the job for design engineering here in Tulsa. I’m not exactly sure what he is doing, I’m getting confused with his actions. I think Dan is upset with Jasmine for some reason he finds her not trustworthy and is having a problem with the way she’s managing the group. I’m not sure I can agree with a lot of things that he says but he is my friend and I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt with how he feels.
Jeff Raley went in for surgery on his cancer last week I think he is doing rather well although he is in an extreme amount of pain and having problems getting medication that will last for any length of time.
This week I need to get my medical screening done and get my expired Oklahoma ID renewed (I can do that the Monday after I get back).
I have decided that I’m going to create to E books to sell on Amazon one of those books is going to be a log book for drone flights and another book is going to be a log book for chess games. At least one of the book’s, the log book for drone flights will also accompany an app that I will create for yourself to track your flights, flight time, batteries, number of charges on each battery etc..
Right now I’m creating this blog post for my blender travels.com website using word and my Samsung phone and I just saw on a computer popup that the Seahawks are beating the Steelers right now! Go Seahawks. OK that was a little bit of an interruption but like I said I am using my voice to record my notes for my blog tomorrow. I think this works really well. Come Monday I will have a lot to post, I’ll have a lot to edit but I also have a lot to post.
I think this experiment worked quite well. I need to speak more clearly into the phone when dictating. I did have a lot of editing to do.
What I mean by ‘Second Time’ is last weekend was the second time I have gone without alcohol. I use to stop every Thursday afternoon at at the liquor store and purchase my drink of choice for the weekend. I would then end up finishing most of it off Friday evening and completing the bottle on Saturday morning. This would leave me tired and not wanting to do anything Saturday and at times Sunday. If I had a package coming on Saturday I would most of the time wait and pick it up from the office on Monday.
That all has changed now with me forgoing the weekly trip to the liquor store and heading cold turkey into the healthier and much more fun completely sober weekend.
I get more done, work on more things and just feel all around better about my drive to loose this extra weight. Hopefully I will be fitting better into my jeans by the time I head to SC to see my brother and this family. This two weeks away and should be plenty of time for the ‘lack’ of those extra calories to take effect.
I also purchased a new watch, coming today, a fenix 6 pro. Love those watches and this new lineup will have the Oxpulse, a new and improved heart rate monitors as well as syncing to music. Coming tomorrow will be a new tripod and a mini travel gimbal. I still need to figure out how to pack my camera bag.
Had another great weekend with all my new items for my vacation at the end of the month to So. Carolina (Camera bag and accessories). The big screw up was that my package of food from Freshly never arrived. Fedex said the delivered to my doorstep at 12:22 but I never received anything. Not receiving your package from Freshly seems to be the number one complaint.
What a great weekend. It started out with a new drone delivered on Thursday, a Mavic 2 Pro. This one to replace the one I lost.
When coming home on Thursday I decided not to stop at the liquor store and make sure I stayed sober all weekend. The main reason for this is to stop consuming all those empty calories from the alcohol. It turned out to be the best weekend in years. Sometimes I forget how good it feels to not be ‘sick and tired’ as handovers usually feel.
I also had a Tiffen 82mm variable ND filter delivered. It seemed to review good and I purchased the large diameter filter with step up rings for all of my lenses. This allows me to eliminate the vignette that shows up on variable ND’s at the max settings but won’t eliminate the horrible ‘X’ pattern variable ND’s are noted for. I have never seen this on the smaller variable ND’s I have but this one is very noticeable but you can reduce or eliminate this by pulling the ND from max and or shutting down the aperture a little. I will have to experiment because having the ND is needed for getting the shallow depth of field on a bright day.
The command module arrived from DJI for the Ronin-SC on Sunday which allows me to operate the gimbal without connecting my phone all the time and this is wonderful.
I got out my label maker this weekend and labeled all of my drone batteries, camera batteries, all batteries. The drone batteries especially in preparation for the app I’m going to design for drone flights. It will be a drone flight log keeping track of your flight time, battery flight time, charge cycle, flight logs with telemetry information etc. Looking forward to creating that. I kept telling myself to get everything labeled but was always too dang lazy (see sick and tired above).
I also got on the Peloton Sunday morning for a 45 minute heart rate zone ride with Jennifer Jacobs which felt really great. Bad news now, I tried to take to the most recent class and it was dated around June 20th. I then did some checking and found Jennifer Jacobs left Peloton to pursue new activities. I really liked riding the bike with her classes, particularly the heart rate zone and 80’s rock rides. I’ll have to find another now.
Good luck in whatever she decides to do.
Time to get off here now and get to work!
New site covering miscellaneous activities including my favorite activity: Blender