Back from Vacation and then Crud strikes

That is correct. I arrived back from my Seattle vacation on Tuesday only to fall victim to the flu on Wednesday afternoon. Missed another two days of work and pretty much the entire weekend trying to recover enough to get back on my feet. This reminded me of two years ago when I had to cancel my trip to Seattle because of the flu.

As soon as I am back on my feet and able to work more in Blender and pull all my pictures out of the video I’ll post all of those. I was able to shoot quite a bit of video and I also got to fly the Mavic Mini as well.

Back to catching up on work emails….. I’m leaving early…..

Blender 2.8x – What an awesome update

I have not used Blender much while they have been updating from 2.79 to 2.8 and wow am I impressed.

Here is the new interface:

Blender 2.81a main screen

There are new tool icons, the ‘T’ key layout is completly different with just icons, the ‘N’ key panel has close to the same functionality. There are no layers anymore but collections making good sense and there are two new renderers, Eevee and workbench eevee, much like cycles is for your final renders as well as real time rendering in the viewport and workbench is for the viewport while modeling. Both are great additions.

My first course for Unity this year is “Creating 3D Environments”. I have had this course on my wish list for some time because it was quite expensive, about 150.00. It went on sale for the new year for 19.99. I jumped at the chance. The course was also recently upgraded for Blender 2.81. The first part of the course focused on the new interface and the basics of modeling. I have not forgotten much of that. Then there was an introduction to the Eevee render engine. At the end I added my own touches to the render. I added my own envronment texture, a 360 photo taken with the GroPro Max at my office downtown Tulsa, OK. I also added a different color to the plane the dice are sitting on with a little bit of reflections of the environment. I think Eevee is awesome. I took less than 10 seconds to render this out. The last time I made a render similar to this, a few batteries quite a few years back, the render took over 30 minutes to complete.

Final Render and First with Eevee

Insta360 has announced a new 360 camera. The Insta360 One R. I am hoping it will be out for sale on Tuesday. If it is I will snap it up on the way home. It is what they call an adaptive camera with the ability to convert from a 4K action camera with a front or rear facing screen depending on how ‘you’ set it up and then with a few quick changes it becomes a 5.6K 360 camera. This camera along with the GoPro Max may become my go to cameras always with me.

More textures coming up in the next chapters of this course.

Back from Vacation and Back to the Beginning

Yes, I am finally back from vacation and as I said before I will be going back to the beginning on this website. To its roots, Blender. Other topics started to pop up a few years ago and I got seriously distracted and off target.

I won’t be scaling back my interests, those will remain because some of them are part of my past. Chess will be a topic as will photography. My new interests cooking and Drones will also be present as well. All of these topics will be taking up their own spaces within this site they will not be taking up space on the main page.

Adding the new sections of the site will take a little bit of time, I’ll have to tweak WordPress to do this and I’m not all that familiar but it should not be too difficult.

In the mean time Blender posts will take front and center with food items coming up section which will also include photography (I’ll be taking pictures of the food) followed by drone news and Chess. After about a month the items other than Blender will be taking residence on their own spaces.

Enjoy the ride, I will be.

Vacation Starts – To…..morrow

That is correct, my vacation will be starting tomorrow. I am however going in to work this morning for about 8 hours to make sure everything is ok and up to date.

Weekend cooking included some Jack Burgers and boi were they great!

Monterey Jack Burgers

Not sure how much I will post the rest of the year but will try


Back to the Blender page as it was supposed to be starting in January.

Almost there…..

One more weekend until I get to start my Christmas vacation. I will go in briefly Monday the 16th for about 8 hours making sure everything is up to date and all is well for me to take off and poof I will be gone.

This weekend I did not ride the Lectic bike, I neglected to charge the batteries and also forgot I have extra. Frankly I remembered about the extra batteries as I wrote this. What a dumb ass.

My Hello Fresh meal this weekend consisted of Dreamy Creamy Mushroom Cavatappi and yes it was great.

Dreamy Creamy Mushroom Cavatappi
Dreamy Creamy Mushroom Cavatappi

Thanksgiving was a bust….

I had agreed to spend Thanksgiving with Sam and his family this year. His cousin opens his restaurant every year and gives all customers free Thanksgiving dinners. I’m not sure what exactly happened but there was no customers in the building when we arrived.

We were seated in a corner booth and served one very small serving each of ‘shredded’ turkey, stuffing mashed potatoes and gravy. This was served on paper plates and water to drink. Sam’s and his son barely touched their plates and they asked for a take home box. Sam’s wife did not touch a think on her plate and said she was full and asked for a take home box. I, out of the four of us is the only one who finished their plate.

It was entirely uncomfortable and I will not be doing that next year if asked.

Bummer, pretty much put a damper on the entire weekend.

Back to the blender beginning

Now that I have begun to establish the new routine or more like, ‘The new normal’ it is time for me to get back to what this site was all about in the beginning, Blender. I’ll start relegating the additional posts about health etc. to other sections of the site but leave the main theme as Blender modeling.

It was a great weekend again.

I rode another 13 miles, keeping with my goal of increasing the mileage per ride each time out. This will stop of course but I’ll keep increasing until 20 – 25 miles per ride is reached.

My DJI Mavic Mini finally arrived on Friday. What a great little drone. I charged everything up and waited to take flight for the first time Saturday morning. It flew like a champ indoors, very steady. I kept it in cinematography mode indoors to keep the speeds down. I was quite impressed. My favorites are still the Mavic Pro series and the air (speed and flight modes)

I had a great time cooking again with Hello Fresh. Saturday I made Sirloin steak with mashed potatoes, the potatoes were not quite firm but firm enough but that was my fault. I have pics to post but the masking was not up to what I feel was good so I’ll post when I get a good mask done.

Sunday I made two items, Sesame Tacos that were FANTASTIC.  I kept that recipe to make again and again it was so good. The second was a roasted chicken with a crunch parmesan crust and spaghetti with a cream cheese and tomato (grape size) sauce. That also was very good. Pics are coming of those as well.

Speak of pics, I had my new lights and field monitor in use for these shots and I think they turned out pretty good. Next I need to learn to set the custom white balance and maybe set the camera angle a bit different, possibly try directly from the top.

Only three days of work this week and all of those are going to be a little slow. After that I have two weeks and one day until three weeks off for Christmas. I am starting to get into the Christmas mood and will be setting up some new decorations this year. I have not purchase yet but will during my Thanksgiving four day weekend and maybe hit some of those black Friday and cyber Monday sales.

Pics coming, I promise.

New Computer

When I tried to update graphics drivers on my Surface Pro 3 this week I was presented with the wonderful news that my computer was no longer capable of updating to the latest drivers.

Off I went to Microsoft and purchased a new Surface Pro 7. This computer is a beast. 16gig of memory, the latest i7 processor and a 1tb SSD. When running Media Encoder for the 360 bike ride videos and creating some proxy files so Premier Pro would play without skipping frames the process took over an hour and 30 minutes. Do in the same process with the new computer took less than 10 minutes. It was great.

This weekend was partially spent loading all the software for the new computer and sitting side by side with the home computer I was able to get both start screens exactly the same.

To, hopefully, complete all my camera purchases on Amazon I am getting a ‘set’ of light boxes, two of them battery operated, and I received 5.5″ and 7″ field monitors for the camera. The lights will be here Tuesday and the monitors arrived on Saturday.

Bike Ride: I took another ride on Sunday (Saturday was spend updating computer). This one was for 9+ miles with a 45 minute digital Peloton workout included.

Hello fresh this weekend included a plant based (veggie) burger and a hoison pork burger. Both very good with picture of the pork burger coming as soon as I do the Photoshop magic. I haven’t done last weeks yet.

I still have two Hello Fresh steaks to cook sometime this week. I need to get on the Peloton today so the steaks may come tomorrow or later this week. On second thought I’ll freeze the steaks and have them on Friday.

Love this bike

Saturday I went for a ride about 2:00pm. I spent a half hour out on the bike with all my gadgets all hooked up; phone, action camera (GoPro Max), phone charger and smart helmet.

This time around all accessories on the bike worked great. The only problems were one, the action camera holder came loose and was not upright the entire ride. The second which make the first completely moot is that I had the settings on the camera wrong, shutter speed was set to 1/60th of a second which is too long for how bright is was. The footage was completely blown out and unusable.

Sunday went much better. I corrected the problem with the camera mount. It wasn’t actually the camera mount but the handle bar extension mount and I corrected he camera settings. This time the footage came out great. All 58 minutes of it. Yes, that is right, I as out almost an hour and had a fantastic time.

Two rides over the weekend totaling 15+ miles and used about 1/2 of the battery. That looks to be close to 30 miles on a charge. I spent most of the time on PAS (Pedal Assist) level 2. Level 1 will keep you at approximately 8 – 10 miles per hour. Level 2 keeps riding at a good clip of 11.5 – 12 miles per hour. I jumped it up to level 3 a couple of times and I would rapidly accelerate to 20+ miles per hour. If I leave it at level 1 and 2 I could probably top 30 miles on a charge.  I also pushed it using only the throttle and not pedaling for just a small portion of the rides to see what it would do.

I cooked up some more Hello Fresh this weekend. I’ll post a picture of the hot and sweet chicken when I get the picture masked and adjusted in Photoshop.



New site covering miscellaneous activities including my favorite activity: Blender