Last week I was working from home because of this COVID-19 virus. Today I learned that I may be working from home for the next month. That isn’t so bad because I get to bank an additional 1600.00 because I’m not riding into work with Sam. Sorry about Sam though. I know this really hurts him.
Here is the statement I keep reading IN ALL media, why don’t people understand?
The vast majority of people who contract the virus recover within weeks. It causes only mild or moderate symptoms for most people, but it can lead to more severe illness, including pneumonia, especially in older adults and people with preexisting health problems. Is there a problem with the term “vast majority”?
Last Thursday I received my work laptop from Jasmine and was told to work from home until further notice.
should i join the covid-19 hipe?
Of course I will.
Let us start this again
I’m starting again. I have stopped the Freshly account so I can eat only salads during the week and then HomeFresh on the weekend. Mixed in with the Peloton.
Back to Blender as well. Here is the latest picture of the brick and the next material.
Back not so great
What I thought was a healthy back was not so. When I fell on my ass a couple weeks ago I think I may have fractured my tail bone.
Unfortunatly this also screwed up my Monday posting record. It also messed up my record. It messed everything up.
Back healthy and back to Blending – (Also back to healthy living)
Back to healthy living, what do I mean by that?
I was wrong, the crud was not gone!
Man oh man, the flu came back with a vengeance over the weekend. I did not let my time of from work go to waste. I cooked all three meals from HelloFresh and did some 3D pano tours with some new software.
Cold or crud or whatever I had is finally gone.
Yes, the crud I have suffered through since I have been back from vacation finally left last Saturday. With that, first here is the final render of the brick texture created and the first renders of some grass.
Trouble getting back on track – Everyting to do with health
I’ll start with another record. I submitted my tax return on Monday the 27th, one day earlier than last year. If the last two years is any indication I should have received my return back on Friday the 31st of January. So, the records are 1) Earliest to Submit, 2) Earliest to receive, 3) First time to receive in January. These may change because I am creating this post on Tuesday before I get my return back. I am relying on past years experience for this.
Now on to the elephant in the room. I stopped working in Blender for a bit. Why you may ask. Well, I am very sick. I caught a nasty flu bug on the way home from Seattle and missed my first two days back to work, went to work on Monday, left early and am home again on Tuesday. I’m hoping to go back on Wednesday and then may be able to include something new on this post if I have a good weekend. I won’t hold my breath though… because I cant’…
Here is a render of the latest material from the Udemy course “Creating 3D environments in Blender”

Back to work for the rest of the year – and retirement thoughts
Vacations are done and I am back to work for the rest of the year. I love these end of the year/beginning of the year vacations. It gives me a lot of memories to look back on and more adventures to look forward to. One thing to mention, I planted the seed of traveling with my sisters every year and all three of them are actually thinking about doing just that. As Diane would say, ‘That is very exciting”.