Yes, as of last Tuesday 8-20-2020 I no longer have a job. I’ll be taking a week or so off and then start diligently looking for a new job. Preferably around here but if I must contract out of state I will.
My nerves really started getting to me and I was extremely sick to my stomach for a few days but that has passed and I need to keep my attitude positive.
Well, as of this writing, tomorrow will me my last day at work (layoff happened). It was a fun ride, but I was completely screwed by people not actually knowing what they were doing so I will not blame them.
On to new things. Savings, severance, unemployment and a withdraw from 401K should tide me over for the holidays and then due diligence in finding a new position here in Tulsa hopefully.
My boss told my last Thursday not to worry. With that in mind when I was sent an invite to a meeting with HR for an exit meeting, I declined the meeting. HR did not like that so the next day I went ahead and accepted the meeting. Keep fingers and toes crossed and pray, pray, pray.
I now weigh 45lbs more than I did at the lowest weight at the doctors. New fasting program to start, three days of meals at dinner time and four days of fasting.
Might as well start the countdown till I’m done at this company. They picked a screwed up time. Companies in the aerospace industry do not hire at that time until sometime in February.
I must lose weight. Angie told me yesterday that she has lost weight and is now at 152 pounds. She calls herself fat and I’m over 110 pounds heavier than her, that is embarrassing.
Angie had surgery on her knee last Wednesday and has to stay off if it for the next week. No work, driving etc..
The GoPro Hero 9 came out and I did not hear a thing about it. Let us look at exactly why I purchased this with only looking at one review
The first reason was the vlogger. He is one I trust very much and when he recommended the camera it was a no brainer.
Replaceable lens. This was a deal breaker for me with the Hero 8 and the single main reason I did not purchase that camera.
The Hero 9 has the same built in GoPro mounts as the Hero 8 and Max. I love those but some did not.
Front facing screen, finally GoPro.
The stabilization is as good as the Max and the best on the market for an action camera.
Horizon leveling from the Max is available.
… the number one reason is you can use the camera as a webcam! This was the reason I purchased the Sony ZV-1. (Is there a dummy battery for the GoPro’s…. don’t know)
There are many other features I’ll talk about some other time after I test and check them out. Hindsight, Time warp with the ability to switch to normal, and back in the same video. Record duration and a record start time if you don’t want to remember when to get up or start your recording.
I now have three Hero’s, one Max, one Insta360 One R, the Osmo Action, the Osmo Pocket and the KanDao Qoocam 8K although the Pocket and Qoocam are not action cameras. Add to these my Sony a6400, a6600 and ZV1. That would be eleven cameras I can set around the room while I am making a video and switch between views without having to reset cameras all the time while using the Rode Go or my other wireless mic.
I also have more work to do for another site, one in Michigan and this is a lot of work, > 600hrs worth of work.
I have been helping another site lately and the team thing does not seem to be working. When I say that I mean, the ‘team’ isn’t doing much work. I seem to be the only one working. In fact, the leader of my part of the team made the comment that I am a one man show so far.
I hope this effort allows me to keep a job with the company.
Yes, you read that correctly, Angie’s mother has COVID-19. The home she is staying has an employee who is currently living with a person who has COVID-19 and came into work. She infected her mother’s roommate, and her mother was tested and found to be positive. Her family has a terribly negative attitude and has made up their minds that she is not going to survive this. I can’t tell them not to worry because the survival rate among the elderly is still over 95%, if I am wrong, I will feel so terrible. I must add this bit of information; stating that the employee was living with a person currently infected and came into work is only hearsay and I can’t verify that. I asked Angie if it was true or that the home knew about it and she could not verify.
I was told to travel to Red Oak, TX on Friday the 21st and was not too happy about it. I’m not comfortable traveling currently with the COVID-19 still traveling from person to person but my travel authorization was never granted so I spend the time in virtual meetings with the group.
We are starting a new program for The Boeing Company and in many ways the Red Oak facility is far behind schedule for starting. Jig load is in 30 days and they still have a way to go before they start. Getting all the documentation up to date and able to pass an audit is the first steps and that is what we are being asked to complete now. Not knowing their procedures in Red Oak makes it a bit complicated for me but as always, I will do my best. We will be having bi-weekly meetings to check on progress. I pray this opportunity will allow me to stay employed with this company. Cross your fingers everyone.
It happened; I finally got a WARN notice. Yes, last Thursday I was given a WARN notice (60-day notice of layoff). Then, the next day I was told I was traveling to Red Oak, TX for a workshop and have promptly became sick. Sick to my stomach all Saturday and Sunday, worse today. I won’t be traveling. I will be quarantining myself for the next two weeks whether I get better or not.
New site covering miscellaneous activities including my favorite activity: Blender