New Apartment, furniture on it’s way

Have my new apartment and my furniture will be here next week. I will need cash for the final delivery. That will be 3,000+, I have it but will need to find a way to get the cash. Having it delivered next week makes that easier as well. Utilities were set up today and internet will be in a couple of days. Busy times happening now.

One more thing, we have another engineer quitting on Friday. Time to really step up my game.

First Full Week

Last week was my first full week here in Thomasville, GA. Finding an apartment has been a challenge. I have found apartments I like and would love to live but they have no vacancies.

Work has been good. I get along with everyone but find one a bit annoying and another a little strange. I think the strange one may have some sort of tic, not sure what to call it quite yet. The other is a time watcher. Every time I leave he will look at his watch and wonder why I’m leaving. I think it comes from his 30+ years in the military. People can’t leave before he does even though he has no idea when I come in. For note, I come in at leas one and a half to two hours before anyone else.

Anyway things have actually been fun so far and look forward to quite a few years here.

started the new job

As of last Tuesday I have started the new Job. There is not much in the way of training (software etc.). This is Monday of the second week and the person that had been training me is on vacation for the week but I think for what he wants me to do I’m going to be good for the week. Let’s hope so.

This next question is “When do I get paid”?

The strange thing here is there are no time sheets to log what you have been working on, how long you were working on the project or how long you worked for the day. Very strange to me.

New job and travel

Started the trip to Thomasville, GA for the new job on Saturday and within a couple hours I had to head back home because of the flight delays into Dallas.

Sunday I tried again. This time the flight to Dallas went off without a hitch but the flight to Tallahassee, FL was delayed:

  1. The arriving plane was late
  2. The cleaning crew damaged the aisle exit lights and the plane could not leave in that condition.

I was the last to board the aircraft. This was because when they notified us of the maintenance issue I found a spot to turn on the computer and check some email and just happened to look over and see people boarding. I did not hear them call for boarding. I was in fact the last person to board.

Arrival in Tallahassee should have gone smooth but my bags arrived the day before and the American Airlines app said my bags were with Baggage services. The were closed and would not be there until our plane’s baggage unloading was complete. I guess they didn’t think all the bags in their little room would not require people to retrieve ‘before’ the current plane’s baggage was unloaded. After30+ minutes she finally showed up and lo and behold my bags were not there. They were at the main baggage lock-up. I just asked her to deliver my bags to the hotel.

I proceeded to get a taxi and travel to the hotel in Thomasville, GA. I arrive at the hotel at 1:30am Monday morning and I am to start work in 7hrs.

The hotel/room is nothing to write home about and while I was on the phone with Carrie a roach was walking across the dresser right toward me. I decided right then and there I’m not staying in the room and Carrie sure and heck is not.

I got up the next morning trying to find Uber, nothing; all cabs I had found around the area to use, nothing. I was tired and made arrangements to start Tuesday, maybe my bags would have arrived and I could change.

Adventure starts Wednesday

Packing is almost complete, more in the kitchen to pack than I remembered. Bedroom, closet and bathroom took hardly any time.

Chris is sending me a dinner on Monday for my birthday which is Tuesday and I fly out on Wednesday at noon. Hotel will cost me about 83.00/night and is five miles from work. I will be using the Thomasville County Area Transit service to get to work and back, five to ten miles is $3.00 and with the senior discount (55+) it is only $1.50! Everything seems to be working out great.

New site covering miscellaneous activities including my favorite activity: Blender