Everything is going great.

Carrie is doing good but needs to focus on getting small things done around the house and not the entire picture all at once.

Getting some new things to work on for tooling which I love to do. It will keep me busy but also keeps me from doing other things I’m supposed to be working on.


Yes I stumbled very badly a week ago. I did not miss any work but when I went in I was not in tip top shape. I was very hung over but managed to get in before 8:00am, missed the morning 7:30 meeting but that isn’t much. I can fix this and I will. Having Carrie proud is of the highest importance to me.

When she came out here it did not take long for me to realize how much I love her. I knew it when we first met but when you are young like that the feeling seemed strange, particularly since I saw her for about two or three minutes and I already knew that I loved her.

Last week I gave one of my reports on the tooling audit Pratt & Whitney did regarding our US Government Owned tools and Hans told me I was going to own that. This made my day because it is exactly what I wanted to do. I do enjoy tooling and like fixing those type of problems. This will be fun!

Now time has passed. I would call her a few times a year and we would talk for a very long time each time. That was before her husband took his own life. After that happened I did not speak to her for quite a few months. Not until Larry told me that Carrie wants me to call her, now. It took me a few days, Larry had to keep telling me but when I called her and we talked she explained what had happened that he had done in front of her. This really pissed me off.

I called her on and off for the next couple of years and every time, before she would hang up she would say those fateful words “I love you”. She had never known how I felt and would say the same back but she did not know that when I said it I meant something completely different.

On Christmas eve on 2020 I call her knowing I needed to talk to her. I was feeling depressed because of my job (lack of) and everything. I don’t completely remember the conversation but a the end she knew I wanted to tell her something. She pestered me into it and I ended up telling her that I loved her and had since the day I first saw her. Needless to say she was in shock.

After that initial shock it did not take long for her to cling on tight and fall in love with me. It has been a wonderful God sent trip ever since.

We have also dedicated the Rascal Flatts song “Bless The Broken Road” as our song.


This year is over one quarter over and the month of May is now here.

Working on multiple Udemy, and courses at the same time and things are working out.

I was looking at tickets for Carrie in September and the prices were in the mid to low 500 dollar ranges. This sounds great, I also checked the boxes for about a two month, 60 day stay. This would be almost 25 days longer than her last stay. Now time to figure out if she will be flying into Orlando for a trip to Disney World then drive up here or come here first. Another thing to discuss.

Love you Carrie


The one thing I have noticed with Carrie gone is I have more time to get some of my learning (Programming, Modeling (Blender), Modeling (Engineering) accomplished. New toy to purchase soon will be a 3D printer. Then start selling models for 3D printing. Could become a new hobby.

The new posting process I referred to is to create multiple posts and schedule them for future posting. This way I will be able to go through the entire year without missing a post on Monday. Last year was quite good and only missed four or five.


This week has been very hard.

I wrote that two weeks before she left and the statement is so very true.

We both were sick Tuesday and Wednesday, me on Wednesday more than her. At first I thought it was the Chili from the night before but I had another bowl Wednesday for dinner and I was fine. I woke up late on Thursday but that was because I was up almost the entire night with Tornado warnings and sirens going off on my phone. There was a lot of them going off, not just a tornado watch but a warning. Those are the most severe and when you get one of those it means the threat is real and to take cover.

I spent the rest of the week cleaning up the apartment and getting the counter tops cleaned off. They got pretty messy for my tastes while she was here but we had so much going on. She did not like me doing all the dishes after dinner but that is just me.


Today is Carrie’s last day. This has been the best month of my life. With Carrie here and living with me it has been like we were never apart.

Because it was her last day I stayed home today in order to spend as much time with her as I could.

We watched movies and we had the chili she had made the day before along with steamed asparagus which was awesome! All I can say about the last five weeks with her is that it has been the move perfect of times. I don’t know any other way to describe the feelings I have for her.


Carrie’s vacation has been so good for her. He has had very few flair ups with her Fibro, and her hands don’t act up as much at all. In the last four weeks she has had only two panic attacks and both of those were easy to talk her down from.

She is enjoying shopping very much but we have much too much candy and cookies around the apartment.

Weight his coming off but this week it took a break, meaning I didn’t loose any weight or gain any. I just remained steady at 268 – 269 pounds which equates to a 23 – 24 pound weight loss. This is good but I need those pounds to keep coming off.

Next week is her last week here and I want to make the most of it. I will be missing her so much after she leaves. This weekend and all of next week I will be trying to get as much video footage as I can of her.


This last week was great. No panic attacks at all and she seems to be having a great time.

On Tuesday she went to the Thomasville Library to see a professor talk about join issues and the treatment of them using alternative medicine and she had a great time. Then we walked around the town for a little while until Daryl came and picked us up.

We also walked over to Publix on Saturday for a little exercise and see what type of walk it was and how far. It was a very easy walk and that store is remarkable. Clean and their meats were wonderful. It was storming pretty hard and Daryl came over and brought us home. He was close by and it was raining pretty freaking hard.

Sunday we took another trip to Publix and spent a good two hours shopping and picked up a lot of things. I’ll be doing this quite a bit in the future because having all the stuff we purchased delivered would have cost an arm and a leg and would not have been able to place it on EBT.

Her visit here has been everything I ever hoped being with her would be and so much more. I experienced a little of what I can expect when she leaves on Sunday. She was wearing a little black skirt and was twirling around and I told her how it flared out and looked nice. She did it again and I took a video of her twirling and afterwards when she was outside coloring I looked at the video and started crying. As I type this I started crying again. It’s the only things I will have when she leaves in two weeks. But, think about that. She is still here for another two weeks.

I love her so very much.


The first two weeks, two weeks after tomorrow have gone fantastic. We have had only one hiccup and that was last Tuesday when she woke up after only sleeping an hour and was crying. She did not know why and ended up getting out of bed and going to the couch for a bit. She at times will toss and turn when we first go to bed and will get up because she does not want to wake me and I keep telling her she won’t but she keeps doing it. I’ll learn to live with this because I love her so very much.

We went to first Friday here in Thomasville and had a great time. Stopped at multiple shops and bought some great treats we have been munching on for the last week. We did some shots of Fireball before we left and the evening ended with dinner at the Bistro in the Marriott Hotel where I was living for the first two months.

Back to that crying bit. When she got up for the day she was having a lot of anxiety and needed to talk to Cat and Ricky for a bit. They calmed her down to a point but when I got home we worked through her problem and she took some medication. I/we don’t like her to take those but we limited it to 1/2 a pill and that seemed to work great. Since then everything has been great.

We have been doing a lot of shopping to make this apartment a home away from home for her and I think things are looking really good and she is liking it even though it is costing money.

I’m pretty sure she is going to be doing really well for the rest of her time here and I will not be very happy when she leaves. As a matter of fact I will hate it and most likely be crying a bit when she does.

New site covering miscellaneous activities including my favorite activity: Blender