Category Archives: Writing

Story Dice

We had taken our first trip ever to Hawaii during the Halloween holiday. The weather was as usual in the upper 70’s this evening and I had just came out of the shower getting ready for dinner. In the kitchen was a note held in place by a paper clip and magnet on the refrigerator left by Desiree’. The note told me to meet her by the jack-0-lantern at the pool entrance. After getting dressed I left our room enjoying the wonderful outdoor sensory experience these islands are famous for, the smell of the ocean and sound of the wind through the palm fronds. Hurrying down the stairs for the pool, I couldn’t wait to see her in the dress we just purchased at Hilo Hattie’s, I proceeded to trip over that dang potted plant, for the second time that day. As I turned the corner I saw her, waiting were she said she would, her blond hair blowing in the wind and a beautiful butterfly just touching down on her outstretched hand.

Instead of the 5 random words, I rolled some (story dice). The dice came up with the picture of a Butterfly, Jack-o-lantern, potted flower/plant, paperclip and a palm tree one an island. My first thoughts went to my favorite place, Hawaii and my favorite woman, Desiree’. This story line took me a little longer than the three minutes I usually allow, more like 6 but I wanted to finish. I do miss her very much. More so after writing this knowing we will never be doing going there together again.

Five words

Divine, Clandestine, Calendar, Builder and Spider

These five words were just populated within my Creative Triggers app.

Three minutes:

It will be a difficult task to schedule a clandestine operation creating a fourth line within our factory building another wing for this aircraft since my calendar is visible to everyone on our intranet. Even with the spider web of connectivity within our internal web it would be very easy to see the schedule for this coming due. Oh but how the reaction of our management and customers to this increase in our productivity would be divine.

I used the word building instead of builder (by accident). I will forgive my self, these were a difficult set of words today.

Udemy Course: Becoming a Writer: part Deux

This will be the second installment of exercises I have done during this course.

Udemy Course Exercise 4: Finding the Good

I decided to pick a person I worked with at a company a few years ago.

This person was very good at presenting our company in a good light. Creating fantastic presentation with power point although a little long at time.

I believe this person to be a very religious person possibly mores so than I at the time I worked with him.

He was a fantastic father and spending much time with his son whom I know he loved very much and acting as coach for his baseball team.

He was very good at politicking and trying to get that point across to me.

Udemy Course Exercise 5: Processes

Getting Computer ready at home after work:
1) Take dock from day storage and plug in
2) set dock on table near the back with cord for computer to the right
3) Take computer out of day storage
4) Set computer on table, attach power cord from dock to the computer on the right side
5) Remove 128g memory stick and mouse from computer bag
6) Remove 1Tb hard drive from case and plug both into the dock, location optional
7) Open laptop computer and turn on.
8) Tap spacebar and bring up the password box.
9) Enter password, press enter.

… The computer is now ready to use for the entire night or weekend if it is Friday

Udemy Course Exercise 6: Principles

I’ll use creating an mBOm from Engineering as my example. The example of setting up my computer would not work in this exercise.
The three main principles in creating an accurate mBOM from an Engineering BOM would be.
1) Make sure you understand the build structure and what parts need to be created as subassemblies etc..

2) When signing off on the Engineering, upon seeing a group of parts that should or will be purchased together, have Engineering create an assembly rather than you creating a manufacturing parts.

3) Opposite of two, if there are assemblies that can not be purchased and installed as an assembly have Engineering eliminate that assembly and purchase the details without having to create phantom assemblies.

All of these exercises have been fun to do and at times very stressful because I don’t know if I am doing well or not. Does that matter? No it does not it us just my way of over analyzing everything I do. I did another random connection and here is that one.

Random Connection Part Deux

I felt a sense of sadness when I witnessed a physical offense against a nameless Hindu minding his own business at the airport this morning. I know it is a fantasy but some day this world will be free of such violence.

(I don’t recall exactly what the random words were (I think some were ‘Sadness, Hindu and fantasy’)

Udemy Course: Becoming a Writer

I have started this course through Udemy and have been doing the exercises as drafts here. I won’t release them as individual posts rather I will group them here.

Exercise One: Lists – Computers I have had in my life:

Gateway laptop
HP Pavilion
HP laptop
Microsoft Surface Book
Microsoft Surface Pro 3
Asus Gaming laptop
Alien ware
MacBook Pro 17″
MacBook Pro 13″
MacBook Air
TRS80 Model I
TRS80 Model III
Packard Bell
Toshiba laptop
HP tablet computer

This was a three minute writing exercise, letting my thoughts flow. I had to pick a topic and just create a list writing for three minutes only. I had forgotten about a few of these and I missed some as I look back on the list.

Exercise Two: Why? – Why I want to write three minutes

I want to write because I want to get my ideas out in public
I want to write because I would like to be a published author.
I want to write because I like to write and want to get better.
I want to write because I would like some residual income after I retire.
I want to write because it would be a great hobby when I retire as well as creating some income.
I want to write because I think I am good at is now.
I want to write because I want to get my opinion known.
I want to write because I would like people to read my blog posts and get something out of them.
I want to write because I love some of the things I do and would like to share those ideas.

Exercise Three: Random Connection -Words beach, foam, madness, athletes and portrait

I picked five words and given three minutes construct a sentence, paragraph.

Standing on the beach, my favorite beach on the island of Kauai watching the foam created by the breaking waves I’m thinking of the madness of it all. The surfers out, waiting for the waves show what athletes they are with the balance and vision to ride that perfect wave. Their eyes studying the horizon, watching the swells makes for a great portrait in my minds eye. With all that said, making a living as a screenwriter would me much more difficult than making aircraft. I’ll just lay back on the sand and contemplate my coworkers while on my vacation and smile.