Category Archives: Writing

Secret Weapon Use starts this week

We will now see how this secret weapon will do when it comes to my weight loss. It will be hard to use but I’m sure it will be worth it.

Had a great weekend again. I did not fly this weekend, the weather was to cooperating but I did figure out what kind of app to create for both the iOS and Android. A log book for Drone pilots. A log that will keep track of battery hours and cycles, store your flight logs from DJI. A check list and much more. Charge a couple of bucks and see where that would go.

After I create the App then I’ll use that as a step into instruction in Udemy. Teach people how I did created, put it on the iOS and Android stores and possibly include the Microsoft store with it.

After that, create a small book to publish about the same topic.

P.S. The Secret Weapon is a secret until I find how well it works. So you will have to wait and see.

And the new year starts

What is up for this new year.

Number one on the list has to be lose the weight I gained which is to say get in shape and continue to do so as I was when I was in physical therapy after my heart attach. To do this I order a Peloton spin bike at 2400.00 this is an expensive gift to myself but on that I will enjoy. I enjoyed the stationary bike at therapy and have been complaining none of the weight rooms I have at the apartment or the hotel had them.

Number two will be the Project Management Professional certificate my boss mentioned late last year. If he meant it great I’ll do It as I have signed up for a course at Udemy for the same. If now I’ll still take the Udemy course then practice tests, then the real deal.

Number three is the book… I’m not sure of that direction as it has changed very much over the last year but I’ll set my direction and move forward.

Last but not least is the continued pursuit of Blender modeling, Unity Game creating and C#/Python programing. All of these last items I enjoy very much but have limited time to practice.

I think all of these can be accomplished this year with the first one a must if I want to go back to Seattle next Christmas.

Mechanical Hard Drives are more robust than the new SSD’s

It came as a surprise to me last week, after a little more than a year I had to replace my Surface Pro 3 because the (Solid State Drive) SSD failed. I have multiple computers four, five and six times that age and the old mechanical hard drives are still going strong. Needless to say I spent the last half of the week and the entire weekend loading the new computer with software, completing the task this morning (Monday 6-6-2016). This also means I was not able to pump out a first chapter for the book, however I will put out a forward of sorts plus an outline of the chapters this week as a teaser.

Time to bite the bullet

I have spent too much time preparing to write my book. I think this is because I scared of putting myself out there to be judged. I can accept criticism from my family and friends but accepting it from people I don’t know and more importantly don’t know me is terrifying. It is time to bite the bullet as the title says and just do it.

With that being said, I have plenty of notes regarding each chapter so getting started should be easy. Lets get cracking!

Story Dice part Deux

My sister and I were in Waynesboro, VA with our older brother watching our nephew while him and his wife were out. He was working on some remodeling at the church and she was out shopping. On his way to work he dropped us off at the public pool for reprieve from this unbearably hot weather. Being from Washington state we had not yet become accustomed to the heat and humidity of Virginia. we were standing in the shallow end of the pool with our nephew when the sky lit up with a bright flash of lightening and one of the biggest clap of thunder I had ever heard. I was holding on to the metal slide into the pool and quickly removed my hand when I felt the tingle of the electrical current as it was flowing from the air through the slide into the water. Needles to say the life guards made us all get out of the pool and under cover. After a short time we decided to walk home as it was just a short trip. What we didn’t realize was within that short walk was a wide open field to cross and after that a metal bridge crossing the river. Both had to be crossed in order to get home. We ran as fast as we could across the field and stopped short of the bridge. The lightening had stopped momentarily so we made a mad dash across the bridge. The gate to the bridge was stuck like a magnet to the latch and we had to use all of our strength together for it to budge. While running across the bridge we noticed a boat had moved to the side of the river with some people getting out onto the bank. We were not sure what they were doing, we were to scared ourselves. Getting home from there was another adventure as we had no idea where we were, Our nephew was crying. My sister was crying, we were all scared by I did not was the others to know how scared I was too. After some time, I can’t recall how long we found our the house. Our nephew ran to his room, my sister ran to the room we were staying and crawled all the way under the covers closing here eyes to sleep.. counting sheep. I walked out into the living room, opened up the blinds in the living room and continued watching the storm. We were all scared as heck and had a great time.

Dice roll: Storm, Slide, Magnet, Boat, Sheep