Category Archives: Visual Studio

How to make her stop

Yes, I’m talking about Angie. She won’t go a couple of days without trying to contact me. I told her that I was not going to answer anymore emails. In fact I told her I was going to automatically delete them. The problem is before they get deleted I’m notified of them on the phone or iPad.

Finished 50% of the JavaScript Beginners class with Mosh. I completed the set up of my new computer in about five minutes and hit 100 straight days on the site.

Today I also won another game of chess playing Black. Playing Black is much harder than playing White but it also presents such a beautiful game. In war games with Glenn when I was younger I always did better when I was playing a defensive game. With Black you start out playing a defensive game and them need to try and turn it around into an offensive game when the time comes. This is the challenge and it is fun.

Happening all over again

Angie is getting me down. They all are insanely emailing, texting and trying to call and get more and more money. Now I get an email form LeeAnne because she has set up a ‘GoFundMe account’. The reason she stated was to fix up her house and get it ready to move into otherwise they would be homeless. Well, that is the exact same thing I was told at the beginning of all of this when I finally gave them around 3,400.00 over a couple of months. This, is the proof I needed that they are all liars and thieves. I wanted to go onto the page and out them but I’m taking the high road here now and just ignoring them.

New toys coming today, a NUC7 Core i7 low profile computer kit. All I need to do is provide the memory and SSD, both of which I already have. I’ll be putting everything together when I get home and playing the rest of the weekend. I’ll take some pictures of this little thing when I’m done.

Oh, on another note, I have now moved into the downtown offices. It will take some getting use to but I think I’m going to like it. The one down side right now is calling the guard every morning when I get there to let me in. It’s a bit of a pain but a small one.

Signing off for now.

Stick to it

There is only one way I can achieve my retirement goals and that is to decided on exactly what I want to do to have the residual income I need and stick to it. When creating entries in my daily journal, called ‘Journey’s’ I have been noticing entries I had made a year ago and more. The last one struck me as a reason I am not getting ahead. The reason/excuse, what ever you want to call it is I don’t follow completely through with things that will eventually make a difference.

I’m not sure if it is because I get bored, find another interest and get side tracked, I’m not really sure. My goal right now is to finish the book I already reviewed and complete the game. So far it is going well but when I run into a difficult area I’m sure that is when my attention wanders and I find another task to do and abandon the items on my plate.

It is time to finish my plate before I take another helping of another project.

Another Car

This will not be to for young eyes. I helped Angie get a car earlier this year. Knowing full well she jumped the gun, did not have it checked out and fell for her crap, “I really want this car and will be really pissed if I don’t get it…” yada yada yada. Well she got it and what a lemon that turned out to be. Now she wants another and expects me to chip in 2000.00 for her loan.

Chip in for her loan, no now she wants me to sign for a loan so she can get a car. No way, I spent the better part of the last 8 years getting out of debt and establishing my credit. The next load I get will be for a house and I don’t want any credit cards/loans tied to me when I do. This will help my retirement as well.

I finished reviewing the book “Mastering Unity 2017 Game Development”. It is a fairly good book provided you are very familiar with Unity, the interface and most of the ins and outs. I think if you are just starting out this book could be quite difficult but for those who are more advanced and know Unity well and have a very good grasp of C# it is a handy book to have.

Thinking of adding JavaScript

After going through some videos about the most popular languages and bouncing that list off of what I am currently studying, those being VBA, C# and Python it looks like I am missing the most important one and that is JavaScript. Each and every website, book, article and even YouTube videos sited JavaScript as the number one language to have on your plate of languages. I guess that means adding this to the list and finding an IDE to use. I typed that without looking and I can use Visual Studio for JavaScript as well as C#. I can use the same IDE for Python but prefer to use IntelliJ for working with Python.

My list of Languages in alphabetical order

The VBA is for Excel/Word/Outlook macros and not necessarily for full blown applications. I may at a point in time add to the work, for now I’ll stick with those four.

Do you every wonder why there needs to be so many languages? Why couldn’t one language just evolve to be a representative of what we do today. Back in the day me and Glenn used Basic and it was more than adequate for what we were doing or what anybody would want to do back then or now. You could have easily created key words for Fortran functions or Cobol functions etc. without creating a completely new language, just my opinion mind you.

Back to JavaScript, it just happened when I logged onto and searched for JavaScript courses I was given a plethora of courses I could take for free. I have never seen a course on Udemy for free since I started enrolling in courses with them. The first I am taking is JavaScript Essentials. The course is comprised of 41 lectures at 8.5 hrs. I have watched nine lectures and am very impressed with this instructors approach to teaching.

The Holiday weekend started off good but…

The long holiday weekend started off great. I had two great workout sessions on my Peloton Friday, a 30 minute and 45 minute both with Hanna. I decided to order some Red Robin on Saturday and settled in for a great 4 days. I slept late every day, at lease till 7:00am and by Sunday was in the groove to start some coding and getting caught up in some classes and then…..

Angie called and her dad passed away Sunday morning July 2, 2017. I could tell she could not talk and just wanted me to know so I wasn’t shocked by seeing anything on Facebook. He had a massive heart attack in the morning, I don’t know anything more than that. I felt very bad for her, I know she was very close to her dad and that he would do anything for her. He bailed her out of messes multiple times and because of this I’m sure she is quite scared as well. To make things worse she sends me a message telling me she can’t talk but can she have 1800.00 or 900.00 to bury her dad. Now I’m not sure which she wanted because she asked for both but I found it odd she would ask me for that kind of money for that and not talk to me about it made it even worse. All I could think about was if he was with her and that is why she could not talk and at the same time he was there she is asking me for money. She has three brothers and her dad was retired from The Boeing Co. which means he has life insurance to cover things like this. The fact he may have been there while she is asking me just made it worse. I feel very bad for her but I’m afraid this may affect our/my plans for us.

I spent Monday and Tuesday coding in CSharp trying to recreate a tic tac toe game from a book I am reading. I have already done this from a Udemy class and this book is taking a different approach and I am taking a completely different one using CSharp.

I found out Saturday I was correct, she was with him while she was texting me for money and I’m not really sure how I feel about that. With that in mind a was a bit mean to her, calling her a user, using me for the last 20+ years. The fact that her fathers passing has affected me more than she knows is no excuse for the what I said, in a way she has used me but I have also let her as she knows I will try and do or give her whatever she asks for. I hope she forgives me for what that statement.

I was wrong about liking when Angie is quiet

The last statement I made last week about Angie is the fact she has been quiet and that means she doesn’t cost me as much money. Well the fact of the matter is I don’t like it when she doesn’t talk. She said she is really busy but so am I and I still find the time to at least say good morning.

What did piss me off this weekend was the fact I still have to wait six freaking months even though she said if I helped with the rent it would not be six months. I guess that was 1) a lie or 2) she misspoke. One thing I do know is I did not misunderstand. I’ll give her her six months, remain quiet, save my money but after that the divorce must happen or the rent will stop.

I am taking Mosh’s intermediate C# class again and enjoy it as much this time as I did the last time.

Concentrate on other areas now

Now that things seem to be going really well now I can start concentrating on Blender and coding again. While trying to work things out with Angie I started a new course in Python programing. This instructor is quite good and at the same time I am converting each lesson in the Python course into an equivalent C# program an so far so good. It helps a lot keeping up with C# skills and a the same time learning Python. What I don’t understand while doing this exercise is why people who program primarily in one language don’t like another. C# is a strongly typed language using curly brackets and other special types of syntax in the code but Python is not strongly typed and used white space and indentation where C# would use curly brackets. I think partially because of this Python is at time easier to read as well as shorter line count wise. I have also decided to create the same examples in VBA as well. Having those three languages under by belt (plus a smattering of SQL) could make me a more rounded programmer regardless of what I wanted to work in be it Blender, Excel addins or a C# application for my windows computer or phone.

My mood was fantastic this weekend, she called four times, twice on Saturday and twice on Sunday.

This is going to be a fantastic week!

Back to it

It has taken some time but my move is finally complete. I now pick up things only as necessary to make my home a home. The final item I wanted for my new place was a surveillance camera recording when I am not around just for piece of mind sake.

I started back to my C# programing and Visual Studio again this weekend and come to realize I really need to keep practicing. I can feel the knowledge has not yet sunk into my long term memory yet although there were some moments where the muscle memory took affect over the mental memory and I was able to code some items knowing what I wanted and my fingers just did the typing 🙂

Not enough time in the day

After spending all week working with CSharp/Visual Studio and Git, taking copious notes for inclusion into my book I have found CSharp programming wonderfully addictive. At the same time using Visual Studio to create the simplest of programs seems to give much more satisfaction than it did when I was in high school.

The problem now is I have so many irons in the fire and I want to do them all. I have 25 lessons left in the latest CSharp course which is helping immensely with my investigation for my book. This weekend I also signed up for another 20 hour course with the same instructor as I like his style very much.

I want to keep working on my book, work through a course for the Arduino I purchased … argh … there is not enough time in the day for all of this.