Category Archives: Scripting

I’ll say it again – Learn one thing well

I have finally decided to learn one thing and only one thing well. I have not decided on what that one thing will be but will let you know what it is when I do. This one thing does not include Unity or Unreal, Python or C#, Maya or Blender.

For Modelers I’ll focus on Blender. For Game engines I will focus on Unity 2017 and dabble with Unreal Engine. For programming languages they will be C#, Python and JavaScript.

Those are obviously more than one thing so to clarify, I want to concentrate on one framework to build web applications. Now it is time to decide on what/which one. I think I am going to stick with ASP.NET MVC-6 for now.

Good one this last weekend, I told Angie I would not get a loan for a car for her, explained why and all went well. I then said if she wanted to come on down I could rent a car for her for the weekend. She then goes on to say “I need one for longer than a week. Can you give me 1200.00 and then rent a car for at least a week?”. Crap, you give someone an inch and then they try an take a freaking light-year.

Out of date courses

I was taking another course on Angular, this one was for AngularJS or as I now know, Angular 1. There is also Angular 2 and now Angular 4. They skipped 3 to align all portions of the framework which makes perfect sense however when they upped the version number from AngularJS or Angular 1 to Angular 2 they broke backward compatibility pissing off quite a few developers. I am in the middle of a class for AngularJS and it sort of pisses me off that Udemy still offers this course without any disclaimers stating that this course is no longer valid for the current Angular framework.

Than being said I am in the middle of two courses for the current version of Angular, one with Mosh and the other with a new instructor I actually found on YouTube first and learned he had courses on Udemy. I think working with both of these instructors will benefit me very much. I’ll let you what I think of each the new instructor, you all should know what I think of Mosh.

Avoid stagnation

I need to start working in VBA, Python, JavaScript and C# all at once. It seems when I start working in one area my mind starts to cloud over when I think of the others languages. What I need to do I take a few minutes of time in all four each day so I don’t loose any headway I had been making in any of them. True, as soon as I start working in on or the other they syntax of each comes back very quickly but I am finding that JavaScript has some nuances that are quite different from other languages I was getting a little confused today.

Today forward, little bits of each every day.

The Holiday weekend started off good but…

The long holiday weekend started off great. I had two great workout sessions on my Peloton Friday, a 30 minute and 45 minute both with Hanna. I decided to order some Red Robin on Saturday and settled in for a great 4 days. I slept late every day, at lease till 7:00am and by Sunday was in the groove to start some coding and getting caught up in some classes and then…..

Angie called and her dad passed away Sunday morning July 2, 2017. I could tell she could not talk and just wanted me to know so I wasn’t shocked by seeing anything on Facebook. He had a massive heart attack in the morning, I don’t know anything more than that. I felt very bad for her, I know she was very close to her dad and that he would do anything for her. He bailed her out of messes multiple times and because of this I’m sure she is quite scared as well. To make things worse she sends me a message telling me she can’t talk but can she have 1800.00 or 900.00 to bury her dad. Now I’m not sure which she wanted because she asked for both but I found it odd she would ask me for that kind of money for that and not talk to me about it made it even worse. All I could think about was if he was with her and that is why she could not talk and at the same time he was there she is asking me for money. She has three brothers and her dad was retired from The Boeing Co. which means he has life insurance to cover things like this. The fact he may have been there while she is asking me just made it worse. I feel very bad for her but I’m afraid this may affect our/my plans for us.

I spent Monday and Tuesday coding in CSharp trying to recreate a tic tac toe game from a book I am reading. I have already done this from a Udemy class and this book is taking a different approach and I am taking a completely different one using CSharp.

I found out Saturday I was correct, she was with him while she was texting me for money and I’m not really sure how I feel about that. With that in mind a was a bit mean to her, calling her a user, using me for the last 20+ years. The fact that her fathers passing has affected me more than she knows is no excuse for the what I said, in a way she has used me but I have also let her as she knows I will try and do or give her whatever she asks for. I hope she forgives me for what that statement.

Concentrate on other areas now

Now that things seem to be going really well now I can start concentrating on Blender and coding again. While trying to work things out with Angie I started a new course in Python programing. This instructor is quite good and at the same time I am converting each lesson in the Python course into an equivalent C# program an so far so good. It helps a lot keeping up with C# skills and a the same time learning Python. What I don’t understand while doing this exercise is why people who program primarily in one language don’t like another. C# is a strongly typed language using curly brackets and other special types of syntax in the code but Python is not strongly typed and used white space and indentation where C# would use curly brackets. I think partially because of this Python is at time easier to read as well as shorter line count wise. I have also decided to create the same examples in VBA as well. Having those three languages under by belt (plus a smattering of SQL) could make me a more rounded programmer regardless of what I wanted to work in be it Blender, Excel addins or a C# application for my windows computer or phone.

My mood was fantastic this weekend, she called four times, twice on Saturday and twice on Sunday.

This is going to be a fantastic week!


I have been spending a lot of time messing with Python scripting this last week. It has been interesting how most of the stuff I have learned on Codecademy and other books for the last few months has actually stuck with me.

My recent purchases have really made all the difference in the world on how and when I can practice. I will relate those in the next blog post. The main purchase was a new computer, which one will remain a secret until next week but it is, next to my main computer the best purchase I have made in quite some time.

Also, the addon I have decided to write has been defined. It is not exactly what I originally had in mind but will workout perfectly with this new computer.


What the heck do you do when the script you have written looks exactly like the assets received with the purchase of the book yet you still get errors. Frustrating, yes but I will work through it. (EDIT: Quick edit to this post. I must learn to ‘read‘ completely through a lesson before I come to the conclusion things are not working. Patience is a virtue and I have an infinite amount when it comes to work and other people but reading, working through lessons, I need to get some.)

Lately I have been on a website “” learning Python scripting. Talk about confusion when you are working with ‘Unity script’ which is similar to Java script and learning Python at the same time. The two have the same functionality in areas but the syntax, when it differs (which is everywhere) you swear you are coding properly but it fails, duh…. You look at the error, change hats and continue on.

Keeps me on my toes 🙂

Programming (scripting)

Working with Unity and scripting is requires a much different thought process than modeling. I am remembering what is was like when I was learning to program back in high school and can remember how fun it was and frustrating at the same time. Fun as in seeing the results of your efforts on the computer screen and frustrating at the same time because you can’t see the results as you are creating the code. Like you can see results as you are modeling correcting as you go.