Category Archives: Miscellaneous

So far so good

Picking up the pace seems to have started working although this week I had to loose out on a Monday workout. I ate something that sure did not agree with me and ended up staying home. I actually would not have made it to work without having an accident on the way. Sure do not want to do that in Sam’s vehicle.

Share Point:

I’ll be back on SharePoint this week, Sam’s business cards should be here today and if no changes need to be made I’ll be getting back on track.

Shake up at work

After stating I would probably have to upload the spreadsheet form into a library I found an InfoPath form web part. Now I have to figure out how to use it but I looks like it might work for my use. Please let it be the way I think.

I have also found some PowerApps videos showing how to create InfoPath type of forms using PowerApps. Creating them is one thing but how do you use them?


Like I said above, I have found the InfoPath Web part and it seems to be the answer.

Unity, C#, Python and Blender

I don’t seem to be getting anymore chapters from Packt Publishing. They still owe me two chapters.

This last weekend:

This last weekend was just OK. I didn’t do anything great and spent most of the time as a lump of tissue on the couch.

I’m going to take a couple days off during this week and make up for the weekend by having fun.

The last week was not the best. Our company announced we will be sending the assembly of our product to another company and stop producing by this time next year. This is actually a win win for me because I want to find another source of income so I don’t need to do the nine to five thing and have enough extra income to in a sense retire. A lot to think about during the coming months.

Merry Christmas Everyone

It is that time of year again and This year has been wonderful. Working out with my Peloton has resulted in substantial weight loss, I did gain some back and that was my fault. I tried a little experiment using my body learning how it would react. The experiment worked but with less than desirable results. I gained 15 lbs back and my blood pressure started to increase. Time to get back to the grind and quit playing around.

Waiting for Vacation

This is the last week of work prior to the Christmas break. I always have a lot of plans for the time I am off and I never get a chance to do any of them. This year will be different, I’ll finish the game, blender course in Udemy and start on my VR project with Unity and my apartment. Each of these should be very easy to complete and get started.

When it comes to Angie I am about fed up. I have spent a lot of money making sure she has a good Christmas and nothing I do is good enough. I am about to throw my hands into the air and give up on her. She said the divorce would happen in September, it is now December and I am pretty certain her last name is still Amsden. I pray everyday things will work out and I know God will answer my prayers as always but she is one of the most, if not the most frustrating person I know.

My family wants to have another get together at the cabin this year and need to know if I will be there. I received an email from Tyra Sunday needing an answer today. Because of that I really want to say no but I want to head out there.

Mental Health day

I needed a mental health day yesterday. It seems that every 8 to 12 weeks I need to take a mental health day. Just a day to relax other than a weekend day and yesterday was that day. Those are usually proceeded by a couple days I don’t want to talk to anybody. People don’t like that too much but it is what it is.

Sorry guys but some times it happens.

Many items on the plate

I need to start concentrating on something. If I have too many items on the plate to concentrate on, nothing gets concentrated on. This weekend was great. I did nothing stupid, washed everything, kept the apartment clean, an extra workout and did not eat too much. After such a great weekend I ended up doing none of what I wanted to do. Working on the Tooling Material master form, Packt Publishing book review etc.

Time to start planning my work and working the plan.

It just might be over

This weekend was not a good one for my relationship with Angie. She made a comment the other day about cutting her short in my weekly allowance to her. I told her that I did not cut her short, Andy’s debt was paid off and I did not need to send that 100.00 anymore. Her comment was that she counted on that money and is why she was short.
I made the statement that she should never have been counting on money that was never hers. I had specifically asked her if he was getting the money for Andy’s debt and she said yes every time. It turns out that she can’t give the money to Andy to give to him because Andy won’t have anything to do with him. She tried to give it to him for Andy and he said ‘keep it in case you need anything’. She did not tell me this any of the times I asked if he was getting paid. I stopped asking her when she got pissed at me for asking all the time. When I stopped asking I told myself to let it go and trust her.
Should I have trusted her? No, it turns out she never gave him a dime of Andy’s debt money. I asked if he told her to keep it all 24 times I sent a 100.00 payment and she did not answer that. She thinks the spreadsheet I sent proves that I paid Andy’s debt. I say no darlin, that only proves that I made payments, not that he received any of them. Actually the only proof I have is the PayPal statements showing I sent the money. There still is no proof of payment to him. This was one of the requirements that he made in order for her to get her divorce.
Friday I made the statement that she lied and stole from me. Lied about making payments and spent money what was not hers to spend. I said I feel like walking away right now but I at least want an explanation.
That is when she told me about Andy and that he wanted nothing to do with him and that he said to keep the money. I may have been a little too harsh in my comments but in the end she said I don’t have to walk away, she was walking away and to never contact her again.
She did call, we talked a bit and then she hung up. Don’t really know what she is going to do. I asked her how she is going to pay rent and TV and she said she doesn’t care if she looses everything now because of how I treated her. Well honey, I have done nothing but take care of you for the better part of this entire year. I guess only time will tell what happens. I have been praying for the Lord to help to remove this financial burden she has placed on me by asking me to help her. Well my prayers were answered but I feel very bad about they way it went down.
I want her in my life but unless we are married I don’t feel the obligation to make sure she if financially sound. Sorry if that sounds hard but it is they way I feel right now.

I’ll keep you informed on what is happening. This week will be very telling when I don’t send a payment to her Thursday. I’m betting I’ll get a text asking where her money is.

The Politics of Management – Not for me

These last four or five weeks have been very challenging for me, particularly last week.


About five weeks back our temporary manager moved back to his home state and our company president arrived at my desk soon after letting me know she was giving my name out to our customers as the new temporary manager. I wasn’t all that concerned because I know the people I work with and was quite certain I would not need to hold anybodies hands. I was looking forward to a nice quiet four or five weeks until they hired the new permanent manager.

Two weeks ago a problem, or as some would put it, an opportunity came up. This was not a serious problem and we were able to migate any adverse affects this situation would have on our customer and everyone was happy.

Last week we had a shit storm when I had taken two days off for my birthday. We had incorrect items going out to the customer with all parties involved in building and shipping these items aware of the problem with the exception of my organization. We (my people) met with program management and engineering to address the issue on Friday the 11th of August. During the meeting all the wrong decisions were made because engineering did not know the meaning of information within their own engineering. Tuesday our customer requested proof of our changes and when they could expect to see the new parts. We ended up telling them we would not be sending the new parts because of our suppliers did not provide them in time. 

This is when the crap hit the fan and I was hot on it getting a rework plan in place so we could get the correct parts in time for their use at our customers and in walks program management.

These morons derail everything I had in work, going to deliver incorrect part, parts our customer does not want all because we want to keep on schedule and not delivery quality parts.

There is much more to this story but in getting to detailed I may reveal information I would rather keep to myself. Suffice to say, schedule is king and screw quality and safety.

JavaScript training is going good. I have found that if there is an error in a .js file the script won’t run in the .html. There is no error generated, it just does not run or stops at the error point. Then you need to hunt the error down. Not as friendly as CSharp error wise but I am enjoying it. I have started using the .js files instead of embedding the JavaScript code into the html file as I think this is how it should be done all the time. At the same time I am going to start getting familiar with css files and create a little website while learning all of this great stuff.