The potato diet along with exercise seems to be the ticket. Last week I set my goal to exercise everyday of the week and eat the potato diet at the same time. I ended in a bad way and had pizza this weekend and was sick (cold or an allergy of some sort) Monday and Tuesday so the exercise was limited those two days as well as Saturday and Sunday. I had not planned on exercising those days. When I weighed myself this morning I had still lost 5lbs. Now those results I can live with!
Category Archives: Total Gym
Working out
I have been continuing to work out with 5lbs gone I think it may be starting to work. Creating a new item within my daily/weekly routine is harder than it would seem. Everyone has only so much time during a day, 24 hours to be exact and mine is pretty full as it is. The fitbit has helped in adding a couple hours to accommodate the workout and other activities I am working on including the book. I have not posted chapters yet because I have been adding more content ideas and I add to each of these sections as ideas pop into my head. However I will post a final table of contents this week marking the starting point.
Back to working out. I started with settings on the Total Gym I thought were ok but turned out to be much to high for me at the time. Even though working out on the Total Gym is easy and working through each exercise is quite easy it takes time to learn the routine. The first week was frustrating and I got in three workouts during the week. The next week was easier but I stuck with three again as this is what the videos recommended, those days were Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Last week I did three with a small one for good measure, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and four days off. This week I plan on four on and three off. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Two days off (Saturday and Sunday) then back to the same routine. I think this is the one I will stick to. I don’t need to look at the exercise list anymore so things to pretty quick and with the quickness comes additional exercises.
Shape it up
Getting in shape, that is what has been on my mind lately. I have been at the top of my game at work and then at the bottom of my game when I get home. Laziness and procrastination has taken over my life at home and I now plan on putting a stop to it.
I had a revelation of sorts a couple of weeks ago when I was thinking about getting into loosing this weight I have gained and getting into shape. I am not the sort of person that enjoys going to a gym and hated cardio therapy though I had to do it. In my thoughts I am always self conscience and think everyone is looking and me, I know this is not the case but my inner self believes it to be. With this in mind, about three weeks ago, laying in bed the thought came to me. I don’t know where it came from because I was not thinking about exercise or getting into shape at the time but my thoughts went to The Total Gym. Yes, the one advertised on TV early in the morning and late at night. I thought to myself, you can do that in the privacy of your home and looks easy to do without a trainer.
I bit the bullet and purchased the XLS and was surprised how expensive it was. I was thinking three or four hundred. It was 799.00 the first time I looked. The next time I looked 2999.00, third time 999.00. I then went online and had a chat with a sales person and she gave it to me for 799.00 plus the ab crunch accessories which I won’t need just yet.
The unit showed up in 2 weeks fully assembled but was a workout just getting it out of the box and set up properly (I am very out of shape). I watched some YouTube review videos and the Setup video it came with and these had be rather excited. I then watch the first workout video to get a feel for the routine and started the next day. It really felt good to sweat like that but I was still clumsy changing from exercise to exercise.
Now I am getting use to the routine, getting sore in a good way and I believe I will start seeing the results soon.
I am taking pictures of this transformation and will show the results as my confidence and progress improve over time.
On a side note, I have been able to stop my blood pressure medication and keep that under control with diet so far and after just a couple days on the Total Gym had noticed a decrease in my blood pressure and heart rate throughout the day. This I feel is a great effect as well.
Wish me luck!