Last Friday I started getting emails from people stating that is was their last day and saying their goodbyes. Tom Lackey, Scott Gleason were some and then there were others like Dan Supernault, Hector Robles and Rick Fox who did not say anything but were friends non the less. Next week starts another round with Rhonda and Travis Knight as two of them. Walt Nubel and Clay Pearce left the first week of this month. In our group there are only three people left, Me, Bill Frieze and Mike Koloff with Mike Koloff gone next week, I think. Jasmine’s last day will be the 27th or, next Monday. That leaves Me and Bill Frieze as the last ones standing, Me with G650 and Bill with G280 and I think Bill will be gone by the first of August.
When I started there were 26 or more people on the G650 program, and I think the same on the G280 program or 50+ people in Manufacturing Engineering. Three is shocking.
Finally, I had a good weekend. Lately my weekends have gone too fast and I have not enjoyed them at all. With all the uncertainty at work the stress has really gotten to me. Add to that Angie continually asking for money it just multiplied by a factor of ten. This weekend I took it easy and enjoyed every minute. It helped a lot that the week went very well also.
My Boss called me on Friday and told me I was laid off and later called back and let me know I would be getting the severance package.
The weekend was rough, not knowing what to do along with other issues I was sick to my stomach, throwing up every half hour or so.
Monday rolled around and after I finally got up about 8am my boss called and asked if I was going to be working? What the hell? I told her I thought I was laid off and she then said no, what are you talking about. I just shrugged my shoulders and said “I guess I miss understood” but I did not.
Still have a job. I did not post until now because I missed Monday and figured I’ll just miss the week and decided against it.
Protesting is fine and things get accomplished when it is done correctly. When your protests are aimed at the men and women who have chosen the professions in the military or in this case the police, an arm of the Justice department it will fail.
What seems to have happened it the people whos motto has always been “To serve and protect” have been given too much power over their own actions. Reminds me of Animal Farm.
That is the phone call I got on Tuesday. HR called and said a mistake was made and my name was put on the incorrect list. I guess my ride here will last a few more months.
On Monday of last week I was informed of my impending layoff. HR from the company I work for called early morning and let me know I was getting a WARN notice. This being a 60 warning notice of layoff. My last day at this company will July 19th and they may elect to keep me another two weeks and have the layoff start at the end of July but I won’t hold my breath for that one.
There was a time when I thought upper management looked out for the company and did what they needed to in order to keep work flowing and not interrupted to any degree. I am most definitely not indispensable but there are things people rely on me to do with very quick turnaround. This won’t happen when I leave simply because by colleagues will not know who to ask for help, and the people they do ask for help simply will not have the account access to do the work and all of this upsets me very much.
On the home front, I will be getting 8 weeks of severance pay add to that my savings and then unemployment benefits and I will have quite a good amount of time to find a good job. I might have to contract for a little while before going direct.
I was able to finally get my Sony a6400 to work as a great web camera and using another HDMI switch, video transmitters, my GoPro Hero 7 and gimbal I will be able change cameras for walk arounds.
I have been having a great time keeping up with Blender and cooking. Below are some latest renders and just some of the latest meals I have been cooking.
Signing off for now, Me..
This was on of the best to date.I had made this before but this one turned out fantasticPhilly Like Hoge – I did not have much hope for this however it was fantastic. Great the next day as well.I was having trouble with Blender freezing when in viewport render mode so I am remeshing with a smaller poly count and then adding the material back. Crossing fingers.