Wednesday, third day of testing and everything seems to be going well but 3am to 4pm is getting old now and it will go on for the next two weeks. Found some errors in the systems yesterday and one was a show stopper, we will see how long it takes them to get that fixed. Today is another day and we are ready!
Category Archives: Blender
And it continues on Monday
Yesterday, Monday when everyone arrived all talk was about the layoffs on Friday and how inappropriately they were handled by all involved. After about 4 hours I was in the process of sending a message to a co-worker regarding some problems they were having on the shop floor and saw to my dismay a <disabled> indicator next to a friend of mine, meaning he had just been laid off as well. This hit home because he had quite a few years with the company as both a direct employee and a contract engineer. He and I both went to orientation on the same day, the 16th of December 2011. Scary things happening right now.
What a day
Wow what can I say. When I arrived this morning security was right there checking my badge to something on his clipboard. Was it a list, I had no idea.
Turns out layoffs, catching people on the list and escort to HR, people missed during this exercise were invited to a ‘Lean’ meeting and taken to HR at that point. This next point is only hearsay but I was told those removed today were not allowed to return to their desks for their personal belongings.
Makes me think, do I really want to work for companies that can do that to your life? Do I want to work for myself and go that route at the age of 50?
Something to think about.
P.S. These people did, at least get 2 month pay on exit.
Video by David Ward
Waiting for some data to load at work and I ran into this by David Ward. I love his work 🙂
New Milestone: 100th Post!
Time is getting scarce
We are just a month and a half away at work from going live with SAP on the first of four programs to convery and our second round of testing is starting up. During the first part of this week we have been validating data downloads and at first glance I am concerned. Our first go around with the data validation, four months ago, found very few errors and the errors we found were expected and not a big deal, we could correct the errors after go live without much difficulty. This time we have found multiple errors with no consistency from one set of work instructions to the next. Engineering has been making changes and Manufacturing Engineering has been incorporating those changes without a formal release of the Engineering models. Data validation from the beginning of conversion through the actual go live should be getting better not exponentially worse and now the time spent working on this is encroaching on my fun time at home as now it is bed time.
Have a great evening
So much to try in 2.66
There are so many things to play with in this new release it is hard to stop playing around. From the Rigid Body, Hair Rendering with Cycles to Dynamic Topology can’t make up my mind on what to play with when I get home and crank up the computer. So, it is time to stop playing and finish what I have been working on then play. 🙂
To many toys!
P.S. If there are people out there that have purchased a Dell/Alienware computer lately I have noticed a problem. While typing the cursor seems to move randomly in the middle of a sentence. This has happened multiple times and did so 6 times writing the sentences above. I was able to solve this issue by disabling the touch pad when a USB device is used. This does not make much sense because I type without any other parts of my body touching the keyboard with the exception of my finger tips. Anyway, it worked if anyone else might be experiencing this issue.
Ridged Body Tools
Playing with and testing animation using the new Rigid Body Tools in release 2.66, pretty dang easy. No fancy lights, just ran the sim and animated.
Material Library
Class again
I have class all week! I thought this was not until next week. Great now I am 2 days behind and have a boat load of work to do in order to get caught up with SOW’s (statements of work) from my other group. Hopefully I will be able to get it all done in the morning, catch up in class and finish things up this afternoon. Boi this will be cutting it close.
Over three years
When it rains it pours as the saying goes. All is well and last week I started not feeling well, more specifically, Friday afternoon. By Saturday I my throat was starting to hurt and the down hill spiral was starting. Strep is was and in bed I had to go. Working very closely with others it is never a good idea to go in contagious, everyone gets pissed. I took today and Monday off and feeling good now. Time to get the computer back on!