Category Archives: Blender

Spent a little money this weekend and purchased Desiree a Surface Pro and her son another. Waiting to hear from them to make the decision to purchase one for me as well or wait.

So much for the expected snow last night and this morning. Dang glad it did not happen.

Love it when things don’t go absolutely correct. When I arrived home last night and turned on the computer poof, my Ciniq 12WD stopped working. I spent the next hour, till bedtime, downloading new drivers to get things fixed.

And on the same note as yesterday morning, I discovered the calendar items in my outlook fail to show up in one computer if they have already been viewed and accepted in another. Time to call IT

See ya!

Outlook Problem

Wondering if anyone has had this problems before. I have Outlook 2010 at work and use my iPhone to access it as well. Two weeks ago I noticed when I read an email on my phone it would not show up on my desktop at work, not in a read or unread status. I thought this was my phone acting up so I turned work email off on the phone and yesterday notices if I was at one desk and reading my email, when I logged off and went to my other desk all email I received while sitting at the other desk would not show up at the other desk and vice versa.  Our emails are never stored on our desk machines so I am sure everything is still on the server just not downloading to the desktops. Has anyone had that problem before? I am sure no one else is reading this but it helps me solve some problems. 🙂


It may freaking snow tonight!!! It is almost MAY!

We are one month away from the testing phase of the G650 programs insertion into the cERP/SAP system. I think we will be ready, only because G280 has been the guinea pig for us to make good use of the lessons learned notes. Now if I can just get the ME’s to follow our instructions. In the end that will be the hardest part.

Back into the groove

After being gone so long I am finding it hard to get back into the groove. My routines were set before I left, when I got up, what I did before I left, work, when I got home etc.. I completely jumped that track and now need to get back on in order to complete the tasks set out for the day at work and my personal tasks at home. I’ll get back in the swing of things, it has only been a couple days.

Travel to Wichita, KS

Boy people were not kidding when they said there was ‘Nothing’ between’ Wichita, KS and Tulsa, OK. Made the trip with Cece and Ron for classes Wednesday and Thursday, leaving Thursday afternoon and hopefully getting into Tulsa at a decent time. I have my MacBook Air with me which surprisingly handles Blender quite well.

Testing is getting old

This time around for our systems testing has gone orders of magnitude worse than the first go around. This to get better each time is it not? At least this weekend I can get back to Blender for a couple days. I’ll be off tomorrow, crossing fingers… at 1:00pm