Category Archives: Blender


The Museum Foyer is complete. I am now waiting on the final render to complete with 1000 samples at 100%, multiple material indices for some compositing affects so this is a multilayer.exr as well. While this is completing I will watch the last episode of Burn Notice (It shouldn’t be too long).

Internet Troubles

I have been having quite the time keeping a connection to the internet lately. Anybody else having these problems today as it seems a lot of sites I have been to today have been having problems. Well, I added a few details and understand why some people tend to tweak with things after a project is done. I keep playing around with different things before I have decided to go to be and finish up tomorrow. Promise I will not tweak anymore (Ya, right).

Museum_Foyer_04Added some track lighting

Great days

The past few weeks at work have been great. It is some what hard to believe because I have at times been an ass. I think I made it perfectly clear I have been angry lately and have pretty much taken care of those issues. I refuse to deal with ‘stupid’ πŸ™‚

Last render for before I am finished with this Module

Museum_Foyer_03Few details to add, a little compositing and done. πŸ™‚

Ok back to work

I have finally started back to work and finished up with part two of the Museum Foyer which is pretty much modeling. I seem to take a long time when I am working but in actuality it is mere minutes I am working and just posting bits and pieces. I am going to try an addon I just heard about today called ‘System Project Timer’ which will tell me exactly the amount of time I actually spent on a project. Should be interesting.

Β Museum_Foyer_03.blend

The Worst Luck

I have this friend at work, I’ll call him John. Unless I called him Mike you can’t get any more generic than that except my name is Mike so it could get confusing.

John has spent the last six months car pooling with his wife, taking turns with his wife taking his kids to school (college mind you) driving him crazy because his hours are then all over the place. He gets in at eight one morning and maybe 10 the next etc.. He finally was able to have her car fixed when he then broke the axle on his car, back to carpooling. Step back a year and a half, before I met him he had the doors stolen from his car, a jeep with soft top and in the end cost him in excess of 5,000.00 to purchase new ones, stripped, mechanical put in and then painted. During this time he spent a few weeks driving to and from work without doors in the winter. Winter is cold in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Fast forward to present when both he and his wife have their cars and last month he has his doors stolen again.

They are still gone.

Tuesday his wife goes in for surgery on her back to have some vertebrae fused and thankfully his daughters are flying in from Las Vegas to help him take care of her.

At 2:50 yesterday morning he sent a message (text) to us and let us know he was not feeling well and that he may not be in. At 9:00 his wife called our manager letting him know John was in the hospital. She had found him on the bathroom floor unconscious and bleeding from the mouth and ears. His jaw was broken in three places, broke three teeth and has a broken wrist or hand (we aren’t sure about that). His jaw will be wired then banded for six weeks, need to see a dental surgeon soon and sometime during this Labor Day weekend have the bones in his hand/wrist set and possibly pinned in place.

I will never complain about what I may consider bad luck again.

Just some finishing touches left

Here is the almost complete Modern House with just a few finishing touches that I will do after work tomorrow. Tonight I started on another module from the Architecture Academy. I tried to take care of those little things this morning atΒ  work but their computers are just not up to loading a file of that size. When I tried to load and work this morning Blender would start to load the file and just quit.
