Category Archives: Blender

Bonus plus a bunch of new toys!

Finally the ‘End of Program’ has hit. What this means, I can finally talk about the papers I signed a year and a half ago. For sticking it out on the program I have been working on I was to receive a retention bonus of $54,000.00, $14,000.00 of which I received early and ended up giving it to Angie to pay off all of her stupid loans, the money she stole from her mother and the money she stole from her dads headstone fund. That being the entire reason I am no longer speaking with Angie or her kids. She took that money with the understanding she can no longer get any money but that never stopped her making me unable to save it back up.

Well, last week I received a paycheck in excess of $28,000.00. I spend $1,497.00 on a new electric bike from Then I purchased a new Mavic 2 Pro drone and payed off the Ronin-SC from my PayPal Credit. All three of those totaled over $4,000.00 and I still might purchase a DGT Bluetooth chessboard. I haven’t decided on that one yet. Now, the Ronin-SC should show up within two weeks or so, the bike should be shipped sometime early September and the drone, the last to be ordered will be the first to arrive on the eighth of August, just in time for my birthday (the bike is my real birthday present). I can hardly wait for all these for finally show up.

I’m left with $26,600.00 in savings and by the end of the month this should top out over $28,000.00. Nice to have a cushion there for if I get laid off within the next year or so.

Great times ahead!

I don’t like to hate….

I really hate Angie. LeeAnne again started asking for money again, saying it would be the last time, she promises. Andy just started his job and his pay check was only for a couple days blah blah blah.. We will get our taxes in two weeks and we will pay you everything back blah blah. They wanted another 580.00, I gave them 400.00, told them that is it and any more emails or requests including Angie doing PayPal money requests would be considered harassment and I would press charges. I think she believed me because I have not heard a peep out of them since last Friday. I was so pissed off. 100:1 I don’t get crap out of them when they get their taxes. I don’t have a clue how they would pay me back anyway.

On to better things. Last Thursday I had my yearly review from Jasmine and holy cow, I thought last years review was good. This one was awesome and it included a 3.7% raise to boot. Most of the time when Jasmine doesn’t talk to me, which is all the time and most days I just look it like this, if needs me she will talk to me otherwise no news is good. During our review conversation she actually reiterated exactly that point which I was thankful for. She really is a good boss. Like she said, “She doesn’t micromanage people because she doesn’t like to be micromanaged” and I like that.

That was two pieces of good news last week. Review and raise, another was a bonus we are getting along with our paycheck next week. 9.3 days of pay which should equate to about 2,000.00. I already spent 999.00 of it on a new camera. This camera is fantastic and highly recommended by ‘The Everyday Dad’ on YouTube. It is a Sony A6400. I’ll post a picture of it next week. Of course I will have to take the picture with my old Cannon Rebel xT. Think about it, that old camera is 12mega pix, doesn’t do video and still has a price tag of 600.00. Pictures aren’t half bad though. The new camera is 24.2mega pix, shoots video and had an array of auto focus tricks not to mention time lapse video. I should get the camera on Friday, and I can’t wait.

I’m thinking of getting a newer DGT chessboard with bluetooth but have not made up my mind yet. May wait on that because I like the board I have and just save a little bit longer and get a Mavic 2 Pro with the Hasslblad camera. Not exactly sure what I’m going to do, may just keep saving until….. don’t know…

Last Friday I flew the Mavic Pro three times at around 20 minutes each flight. I adjusted the maximum flight distance to 8000 feet and was able to do a lot of exploring around the neighborhood. I’ll be using this footage to experiment in Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects. I saw some drone footage from another on ‘Thursday night live’ where he created a bit of a war zone. I thought that might be fun. I’m going to use the video from my new camera to play with some of the effects we can do in blender as well.

Time to sign off till next week, See ya!

Experiment starts in one week

My experiment starts in one week, 08-13-2018. For the record, my blood pressure isn’t that bad right now. Below is a graph I created from the BP application I use. As you can see there are no wonky numbers there except for the occasional low diastolic I get at times around lunch time and after a workout. Those readings usually indicate I have not had enough water lately.

Blood Pressure – July 2018

B/P this morning: 115/66

Week of 06-18-2018

Last week was one for the record books. I completely annihilated the competition for the Fitbit workweek challenge with 85,000+ steps for the week. My closest challenger was at a paltry 40,000+ steps. They did not hit an average of 10,000 steps per day. Heck on Wednesday I only had around 14,000 steps.

This week started out slow with only around 8,000 steps yesterday. I’m of to the races now with 10,647 today and It’s only 8:43am. I’m sure this week won’t be like last but I’m hoping for another victory.


No work in SharePoint while I have been completing the last book review. Actually I completed two at the same time. RPG for Unity 2018 and shaders and effects in Unity 2018.

Unity, C#, Python and Blender is going well, however I had to reinstall GitHub for Visual Studio on one PC and another GitHub client on my PC at home. It is call GitKraken and seems to be better than the normal GitHub client.

This last weekend:

The last three weekends have been great. Eating really well with a new Italian Chicken Soup I have invented. I believe the worst item in the soup would be the noodles. I have Low salt everything with a very low calorie count. Boneless skinless chicken thighs are boiled with the soup, pulled apart when cooking is complete and put back into the soup. With some Italian seasoning when cooking it is really tasty. I thing next time I may skip the noodles and cook some brown rice to pour it over for an even healthier meal.

Picking up the pace

I have become addicted to working out with my Fenix 5x, Polar and Fitbit. I have been, so far this week walking three+ miles every morning and riding another nine+ miles every evening. Loving it but need to stop eating so much during the weekends. Sometimes it gets out of control with GrubHub being no help at all 🙂 .

Picking up the pace on the Peloto workout as well, adding a 10 minute cool down at the end of my 30 minute workouts every day. Hopefully this will up the anty enough for me to start loosing weight like I should be. I’m going to have to get out the Total Gym soon I think.


SharePoint has again taken a back seat to Sam’s business cards. The good news it I completed them and ordered them today, take a look.

These sure didn’t come out looking good here but I converted to .jpg from a .psd. I’ll try a .png and see if that looks better but you get the idea.

The Suburban in the front view of the card (top) is from a 3D model brought into Photoshop, adding lighting and headlamps was pretty fun to play with.

Unity, C#, Python, Blender and Adobe CC

I won’t be receiving new chapters for the RPG book I was reviewing for a while so they are sending me six chapters for a book on Unity 2018 shaders for review. I have always wanted to know how to code shaders in Unity and this is a perfect opportunity, review the book and learn something new at the same time.

I think I’ll try to duplicate the card front in Blender for a little 3D effect, shouldn’t be too difficult.

This last weekend:

Last weekend was great, I even got in a 45 minute workout Saturday morning along with a 10 minute cool down.