Category Archives: Compositor

Materials and Textures

It is so much more enjoyable working with materials and textures when you are NOT working with a tutorial. Tutorials point you in the correct direction, all the time with little or no explanation of what is happening when you make ajustements to the multitude of variables. Doing it yourself gives you a much more indepth learning experience, as long as you take notes of what happened when you made your changes. A trick I learned was if you are not sure what a setting will do, make a very drastic change so what you did will be very noticeable. Then back off on the adjustment so you understand exactly what is happening. At least that technique works for me.

Compositing the Spaceship Corridor

I have been working on the compositing of the spaceship corridor specifically the areas I noted as not to my liking. I created a multilayer .exr render so I can play around where ever I may be by just opening a blank blender file an working in the compositor. So far the results and been good and I can’t wait to show it off. The only problem I have is I like to keep tweaking things so I’ll finish up in the next evening or so and post the final.

Merry Christmas!


Spent the last week trying to figure out what was wrong with my computer and there was nothing wrong now that I updated my video driver. I just had to sit back, relax and figure out what could possibly be different from one release to the next of Blender and I am talking about their daily releases not just the official releases.

Now some new pictures testing the fix. This was pretty quick and fun.


Final Render (Do not like, ghosts are not aligned correctly)


Final Render with node tree.

As you can see I used node groups to define certain sections of the render. Makes it easy to tweak only the areas you are testing knowing you will not affect any other area. I am going to re-watch a CGcookie tutorial using the compositor which I think will allow streamlining of the inputs of the different node groupd.