Category Archives: Blenderguru

All tutorials associated with Andrew Price @

Temple and Spaceship Corridor

New image for the Temple project with the missing compositing. I had forgotten to link the output of the color balance to the composite node. The next picture is of the corridor as it is coming along so far.

The next items on the list for the Spaceship corridor are the control panels on the left and right bulkhead walls.

Temple Final render with the missing compositing

Spaceship Corridor screen shot

Temple and Spaceship Corridor

I completed the Temple and I am not that happy with the way it turned out. The modeling is great but the compositing (I made a couple of changes), background and materials are what I am not happy about. Those changes will be for he weekend along with the Ocean Scene.

The Spaceship Corridor is coming along with the bulkhead walls finished (for now) and an array modifier added.

Photos: Screen shot of the Final Temple render, screen shot the node group for the Temple render and Spaceship Corridor.

Edit: Just noticed the Vignette is missing from this render, I am going to have to fix this.

Final Temple Render (2000 samples)

Screen shot of Temple Node Group

Screen shot of Spaceship Corridor

Ocean Scene Part 1

I started this new tutorial last night, an ocean scene from CG Cookie

The background is a texture applied to a cylinder. I will combine the processes shown by Johnathan Williamson for the ocean and background and those of Andrew Price when it comes to the compositing and lighting. The rendering will be done using the cycles rendering engine. I am crossing my fingers that it turns out the way in envision it  🙂