Category Archives: Blenderguru

All tutorials associated with Andrew Price @

IES Lighting

Playing with IES lighting addon for the last couple of days and once you get the hang of how it works it is pretty cool. I did some tests with a few different lights with the results below. (Having some trouble posting with wordpress at the moment so you may have to bear with me for a few days while I figure this one out.

It seems the problem may be with my browser on my main computer. I can edit the posts just fine on the Macbook Air. So as to the above image, I picked the lamp to the right for my Pool Deck interior lighting but I wish you could change the color temp on the fly with these lamps. It takes some preview renders and when you have to pick the color temp right after the import it makes adjustments difficult. (I could always be using the addon incorrect 🙂 )

See ya

Pool Deck Part Deux

Man UV unwrapping was not cooperating last night. As I use the latest builds just about every day I think that had a lot to do with it. Need to check out the wiki for possible documentation I was missing. Everything ended up working good but some things were just not doing what I expected.

Looks like it was not a problem with any build but some new features I was misinterpreting.  This first image is of the second floor and where I had the most problems although after identifying what I had done wrong everything went smooth after that.


The next image is the beginning of part four, the interior. I did some things different from the video. In the video he gave the walls around the house the white interior material which makes these walls white inside and out. I selected all the faces and separated them from the mesh into there own object, added a solidify and added the additional material to the interior surface. Now, if I decide to move the camera angle possibly showing the sides the materials will be correct.

The big thing I did differently was the indirect lighting around the ceiling of the second floor. I created the edge loop and separated it as its own object but here I pressed ‘F’ to create one face, used the inset tool with the check box set to even and inset that face. I then deleted the inner face leaving the ledge around the periphery. When I did this I did not need to move around vertices and all edges were straight rather than angled. From then on it was solidify, add materials and everything worked perfect after that.

Pool_Deck_04I know it is noisy…. 🙂

Pool Deck

Could not get online to post anything yesterday, bummer.

I spent about an hour modeling part one of the Pool Deck from the Architecture Academy yesterday and a bit more time refining the model and my technique as opposed to Andrews. I modified the model by redistributing the deck railing posts, positioning better from a building ‘code’ point of view and added a couple of structural posts below the deck.  The posts were added below the deck because there was no way this design would pass any kind of inspection without them :).

From a modeling technique point of view I started using the ‘Enhanced 3D Cursor’ addon and snapping to edges, faces or vertices to place my objects more precisely and I found edge and vertex snapping much easier to use than face. I also took the time to correctly label all objects as I created them, or very shortly afterward. This does not add much time to the actual modeling but helps tremendously in the organization of your models, going back and doing this later is tedious.

I have come to love the Enhanced 3D Cursor addon and use of snapping as it gives me a more accurate model which is important to me being an Aerospace Manufacturing Engineer with a Architectural drafting background I like to be precise.


The Museum Foyer is complete. I am now waiting on the final render to complete with 1000 samples at 100%, multiple material indices for some compositing affects so this is a multilayer.exr as well. While this is completing I will watch the last episode of Burn Notice (It shouldn’t be too long).

Internet Troubles

I have been having quite the time keeping a connection to the internet lately. Anybody else having these problems today as it seems a lot of sites I have been to today have been having problems. Well, I added a few details and understand why some people tend to tweak with things after a project is done. I keep playing around with different things before I have decided to go to be and finish up tomorrow. Promise I will not tweak anymore (Ya, right).

Museum_Foyer_04Added some track lighting

Compositing multiple images

A question was asked a few days ago on The Architecture Academy and nobody seems to want to answer the question. In a nutshell the person wants to composite together multiple images because his computer can’t seem to render the entire scene the way he wants at one time. So I decided to try this out. I created three images, one for all walls and lighting, one for all the objects within the room (less the rug) and one for just the rug. After these images are complete through their render I will post them. Then I will post the composite image of the three.

 Here are two of the three images I am using. The first one is of the rug by itself with an alpha channel and the second is the room, without any objects however all of the objects are producing shadows and affecting the light in some way  or another.

03_RugRug rendered alone with alpha channel only

02_RoomRender with the effects of all objects in the scene (shadows etc.) without actually rendering all of the objects

01_ObjectsThis a render of all the objects with a transparent (alpha) background

00_Composite_nodesUsing this simple node setup (Three Image inputs + two Alpha Over) = One output to further composite

00_CompositeI will use this output for further composting (vignette etc.)

Stay tuned for the final composite in the next post.

Problems Rendering

Question for everyone that may wish to answer. What would be the problem with an asset you are apending to your scene that would cause the render to error out right after calculating the BVH. This is what is happening to my Lounge Room scene from The Architecture Academy. At the present time I have removed all the assets from the scene and I am added them back in one at a time. It looks like it might be the large potted plant in the corner but I can’t figure out why it keeps erring out because of that particular object. So, needless to say, I don’t have a render to post for posterity.

I also made a rather serious error at work today. I know, I know I don’t usually make serious errors but this is a large one. Not so large I can’t fix but it will take some time. I deleted all but ten parts from and mBOM, not using an ECM to track the changes which means I can’t go back in time and fix it. I fortunately have a excel copy of the mBOM I can copy and paste to recreate it but I will need to copy individually the Object Dependency data. Oops, chock that one up to live and learn.

Compositing the Spaceship Corridor

I have been working on the compositing of the spaceship corridor specifically the areas I noted as not to my liking. I created a multilayer .exr render so I can play around where ever I may be by just opening a blank blender file an working in the compositor. So far the results and been good and I can’t wait to show it off. The only problem I have is I like to keep tweaking things so I’ll finish up in the next evening or so and post the final.