Still working on the face and realized the reference drawings are not exactly good. By that I mean, if you look at where the smile ends in the side view and where the sides of the eyes are the facial proportions are not correct. If I keep modeling as close to the reference image as I have been, creating the eyes will be next to impossible. Here is a view of what I have so far but as with the hands I am going to try another approach and see what that looks like. This is definitely a learning experience.


Yes, I will be keeping all of the interim models as possible starting points for new models. More of an inspiration of sorts which means I’ll be keeping all the different hands, faces and when I do the ears (yes I am going to try the ears) I will keep them as well. I probably will not add the ears to the model as they will be hidden by the ear protection being worn but I will have them as a reference later.

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