Yes, the title for this post is ‘Losing your phone’. I did this on the way to Seattle. While at the Atlanta airport on Saturday the 31st I was using my phone in the bathroom right when I got there. I was in a hurry and letting Carrie know I was in Atlanta and on my way to the next connection. Thinking about the best way to get to the gate and hurrying up I left my phone in the bathroom, (I think). By the time I realized it I was already halfway to the gate and did not have time to go back and look for it.

Of course, I was in a big hurry when I left my apartment getting up at 3:05am and needing to leave by 3:30am I did not notice that I had messages from my sisters from the previous evening. They were telling me that my dad had already passed away. If I had listened to these I would not have been in so much of a hurry and probably not lost my phone.

In order to purchase a new phone, I had to pay off the balance of my old VERY expensive Z-fold 3 phone then get the new phone financed. All in all, a very expensive error on my part.

Getting all my contacts and apps onto the new phone was a fairly easy process by logging into my Samsung account and letting them do their thing. I took a bit of time, but everything was good to go in a couple of hours.

First week back to work was actually great. Not that the company changed or anything but the people, as I talked about earlier were very nice when I came back. The company is horrible, the people are not.

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