
The title is a condition I am not familiar with at all. When someone is depressed I think of them as crying or upset all the time and that is not me. I never feel like crying (well, some movies get to me) or get upset with people, ever. Now I’m beginning to think my lack of what I perceive to be will power or rather motivation may be depression and I think I know the cause. My inability to reach some goals (buying a house) because I am letting others hold me back. By inability I mean save for a down payment, save to retirement etc. and the person whom I am referring to would be Angie. No matter what I do or say she refuses to stop asking for money and when she does I always break down and give her what she wants. Hell, I spent my bonus paying off her car and stupid loans she had taken out. Saturday she was going to her nieces wedding and wanted a couple hundred to get a gift and gas. Two days later she say she needs 400.00 to pay her storage or they will sell everything. She did not need the 400.00 when she was asking for the 200.00? She does not know the difference between a need and want. Everything to her is want, want, want.. she spends that and then the need presents itself and she expects the money to be there and I give it.

Tuesday morning I had just that situation where. On Saturday I gave her 200.00 for a gift and then come Tuesday morning she is demanding the 400.00 which I gave to her. I also said she has given me no choice but to cut communication with her. I sent a rather lengthy text explaining the situation and that she is now done getting any money, at the end I told her it would be in her best interest to not respond to the text. I won’t turn off the phone because I have to pay for it anyway but if she continues to try to contact me I will have to block her phone number. I ended up taking an extra two days off work because of my frustration with her and I’m tired of it. I drank last weekend as well. Time for another reset and get things back together in my head.


  • Resting Heart Rate: 69
  • Blood Pressure: 101/71
  • Weight: 234

None of these are that bad seeing as this weekend did not go as I had expected.


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