I was able to apply the animations and when I clicked play the worked! That was my goal for yesterday afternoon and things went so smoothly, much more so than I thought. I was finished within 10 minutes. I decided to take it a step further (remember, baby steps) and write a script to run the animation from the idle state and open a drawer when you press a key. The book I was referencing at the time had a very basic script to do just that and I modified it so you could open/close what ever drawer you wanted by pressing a key, 1-4 (drawers counting clockwise). As written the script did not seem to work without throwing any errors, syntax or otherwise. When I placed sections of the code into the update method rather than the start method like the author had it, it worked great. The amount of errors I see in some of these books out there is amazing. Who proofreads or edits them? These books run upwards of 3o.00!
Tonight I went back to the book ‘Unity for absolute beginners’, picking up where I had left off. The author is going to run through animation techniques using the Mecanim system in Unity vs the legacy system I used for the dresser drawers. When tried to open the project I could not find it anywhere on my hard drive. I think because the project was titled ‘Unity Test’ as per the book I deleted the folder in error. No worries, I caught myself up this evening to, just about to the point I was at prior to setting it aside for a bit.
Here is very brief glimpse of one of the drawers opening in Unity.
See ya Friday!