On the 28th of February it was 60 days since dad had passed away. According to the will, the inheritance will be divided equally between Rick, Chris, Tyra, Myself and Diane and survive him by 60 days.

Tyra called Alliant on Tuesday the 14th of February (Valentines Day), and they (Alliant) indicated she should receive something within a couple weeks. That would put it exactly at 60 days. I don’t think anything will happen that fast, but it would be nice.

I personally am not expecting this to be life changing but I am sure praying for that.

It wasn’t life changing but it was over $80,000.00 which I can’t deposit into any account here. I’ll need to open a new account and deposit the money there and close my account with Arvest in Tulsa. I liked that bank a lot. Chris did say there was more money coming, something like another $20,000.00. That would be nice and could be life changing.

You can tell from the above paragraph I received my checks from the inheritance.

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