Finished the first week of the year

The commitment is being kept. You heard that correctly. During this week I have been updating my Blender to 3.0 (I also updated to the current LTS version). Next is looking at pulling in my space ship corridor project I did with Andrew’s tutorial to the latest Blender. After that I need to see what I need to do to update materials and textures to work in eeve, get a render of that to post and place on my desk top. That will accelerate the desire to complete this first project.

I also started a new Python course on ‘Code with Mosh’. Like I said last week I already pay an annual fee for his all of his courses and I get them for 25%. Not a 25% discount but 25% what everyone else pays. I think I’m grandfathered in with that price. Whatever the reason, I’ll take it and finish all of his courses. Not all of them this year but a good percentage.