Great Weekend and now Carrie wants to come out alone

This last weekend was fantastic. I finished fixing the last little things I don’t like about this apartment (they are small). I also received my first box from Bespoke Post and everything is pretty cool. I know that sounded a little juvenile but it’s the truth.

Second item, Carrie decided she wants to come out without Debbie. This is great but I’m not sure she can do it. Let me put that another way. I know she could not do it with the flights set up they way they were. We’ll take a better look at the flight times etc. and work it out. The best part is Daryl will have a car we can use during that time without having to rent one. I’ll pay him a small fee and we can avoid the huge rental car payment and he will get some of his 500.00 he paid back. Win win for everyone.

Then there is this, Carrie is going out to lunch with another guy today. I hope she doesn’t think I’m upset, since he is someone I know and don’t care for, which is not exactly true. He doesn’t care for me for reasons I’m not completely sure about. I’m not upset about it I like the fact she is getting out a little bit more. Now, if he tries to take this farther than it should I might say something. I quite sure I would not have to say anything because this has already happened with someone she used to work with and just recently went to lunch with. He took things completely the wrong way and kept pushing her to have a relationship and she had to put her foot down and tell him to stop; which I think he has.

She is a little worried this guy might do the same thing because she believes he liked her when they were working together before. I’ll see what happened during lunch when I call her tonight. She wanted me to call here last night but I did not realize it until I woke up this morning.

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