Yes, as of last Tuesday 8-20-2020 I no longer have a job. I’ll be taking a week or so off and then start diligently looking for a new job. Preferably around here but if I must contract out of state I will.
My nerves really started getting to me and I was extremely sick to my stomach for a few days but that has passed and I need to keep my attitude positive.
Well, as of this writing, tomorrow will me my last day at work (layoff happened). It was a fun ride, but I was completely screwed by people not actually knowing what they were doing so I will not blame them.
On to new things. Savings, severance, unemployment and a withdraw from 401K should tide me over for the holidays and then due diligence in finding a new position here in Tulsa hopefully.
My boss told my last Thursday not to worry. With that in mind when I was sent an invite to a meeting with HR for an exit meeting, I declined the meeting. HR did not like that so the next day I went ahead and accepted the meeting. Keep fingers and toes crossed and pray, pray, pray.
I now weigh 45lbs more than I did at the lowest weight at the doctors. New fasting program to start, three days of meals at dinner time and four days of fasting.
Might as well start the countdown till I’m done at this company. They picked a screwed up time. Companies in the aerospace industry do not hire at that time until sometime in February.
New site covering miscellaneous activities including my favorite activity: Blender