How to make her stop

Yes, I’m talking about Angie. She won’t go a couple of days without trying to contact me. I told her that I was not going to answer anymore emails. In fact I told her I was going to automatically delete them. The problem is before they get deleted I’m notified of them on the phone or iPad.

Finished 50% of the JavaScript Beginners class with Mosh. I completed the set up of my new computer in about five minutes and hit 100 straight days on the site.

Today I also won another game of chess playing Black. Playing Black is much harder than playing White but it also presents such a beautiful game. In war games with Glenn when I was younger I always did better when I was playing a defensive game. With Black you start out playing a defensive game and them need to try and turn it around into an offensive game when the time comes. This is the challenge and it is fun.

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