Happening all over again

Angie is getting me down. They all are insanely emailing, texting and trying to call and get more and more money. Now I get an email form LeeAnne because she has set up a ‘GoFundMe account’. The reason she stated was to fix up her house and get it ready to move into otherwise they would be homeless. Well, that is the exact same thing I was told at the beginning of all of this when I finally gave them around 3,400.00 over a couple of months. This, is the proof I needed that they are all liars and thieves. I wanted to go onto the page and out them but I’m taking the high road here now and just ignoring them.

New toys coming today, a NUC7 Core i7 low profile computer kit. All I need to do is provide the memory and SSD, both of which I already have. I’ll be putting everything together when I get home and playing the rest of the weekend. I’ll take some pictures of this little thing when I’m done.

Oh, on another note, I have now moved into the downtown offices. It will take some getting use to but I think I’m going to like it. The one down side right now is calling the guard every morning when I get there to let me in. It’s a bit of a pain but a small one.

Signing off for now.

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