Secret Weapon Use starts this week

We will now see how this secret weapon will do when it comes to my weight loss. It will be hard to use but I’m sure it will be worth it.

Had a great weekend again. I did not fly this weekend, the weather was to cooperating but I did figure out what kind of app to create for both the iOS and Android. A log book for Drone pilots. A log that will keep track of battery hours and cycles, store your flight logs from DJI. A check list and much more. Charge a couple of bucks and see where that would go.

After I create the App then I’ll use that as a step into instruction in Udemy. Teach people how I did created, put it on the iOS and Android stores and possibly include the Microsoft store with it.

After that, create a small book to publish about the same topic.

P.S. The Secret Weapon is a secret until I find how well it works. So you will have to wait and see.