Bit the bullet for code training

One of my favorite instructors on Udemy advertised a new batch of training materials with other trainers creating the “Ultimate Tech Career Toolbox 2019” with thousands of dollars worth of training materials for 239.00. If I had not waited a day I could have saved another 40.00 but I flinched. Looks like a great deal and help toward my goal of the residual income for retirement.

Now I need to spend quite a bit of time downloading all the content. I’m going to put it all on a stand alone drive just for training etc.

Angie kept sending Money requests and on Tuesday I had 14 for a total of 8,800.00 and 40 rejected phone calls. They want me to make a house payment for them plus give money to Andy so he can go to his new job. Angie then tried to call twice with someone else’s phone and when I would not answer I got an email tell me to ‘Turn the f…king phone off’ I said fine and two days later I complied with her request.

Last night I gave LeeAnne 100.00 so Andy can go to work and start getting a paycheck. She then proceeded to ask if I was going to help with the house payment. Andy should just ask for an advance on his pay to get himself out of the situation they have got into. I’m done with them.

Friday afternoon, before the sun set I had a fantastic flight with the Mavic Pro. About 20 minutes long and I’ll do some editing in Camtasia and Premier Pro for experimentation and learning these two pieces of software. I know Camtasia but not Premier Pro. I’ll also throw the video clips into After Effects as well and see what I can come up with. It will be fun.

One thing I need to do is change the maximum flight distance for the Mavic Pro. I keep running into that and then because I had such a great time I forget to change it.