I’m at a loss as to what to do with this woman

I typed that title last week when I had another money request through PayPal from Angie for 250.00 because she wanted to get her grandbaby something for Easter. My take on that is this little one needs to grow up learning what Easter is about and not that Easter means getting presents.

Well, I declined the request again and never heard anything the rest of the week. Crossing my fingers here but the next time I want to hear from any of them is when I am being paid the 2750.00 back. Not that I really think that will ever happen.

Another good sign was that I received an email from Bryan stating that he was going to start paying me back. I actually received a payment from him on Saturday for 30.00 just like he said.

I said awhile ago I would put up a picture of my toys well here it is in all their glory

The image is little blurry because I had no external light but starting at the back left to right is a Mavic Pro and Mavic Pro Platinum, second row is a Mavic Air and Spark, finally a Tello. All of them are great I have the most flight time on the Spark because I purchased the Air and Pro/Pro Platinum during the winter months and have only had good weather a couple times. I love this hobby.

A new passion of mine have become this, I’m sure the pictures will make it clear.

This chessboard is called SquareOff and is and automatic chessboard. You play your piece, white or black and the board will move it’s piece. It looks pretty spooky at first but the quality is fairly good. I have purchased another board since this one, a DGT board and it is VERY nice. I’ll post pictures of that one next week.

For now have a great week and I’ll speak at you later.