Vacation is over

Last day of Christmas Vacation is tomorrow and back to work on Wednesday. This years vacation was absolutely fantastic. 18 days off and I did just about nothing except play a bunch of chess and kick back. I purchased tickets to Seattle for Me, Rick and Lindsay for a weeks stay and also for time at the cabin at Mt. Rainier.

For my Christmas present I purchased an Osmo Pocket and a Mavic Air. I have not flown the Mavic yet as it has either been raining or too freaking cold.

I played around with my GoPro Hero 5 and did some time lapse of me making dinner. Prep, Cook cleanup and presentation was about an hour+ in real time and three minutes in the time lapse. It looks pretty cool.

I’m wining just about every game of chess with the SquareOff at level one, I might move up to level 2 tomorrow.

I’ll take some pics of the new toys tomorrow and post but in the mean time I’m going to enjoy my last day.