Vitals first then pics
Vitals this week:
- Resting Heart Rate: 77
- Blood Pressure: 118/66
- Weight: 240 (Going down)
I had an interesting weekend of flying. I had done all my pre-flight checks, batteries, props, drone body, memory card and everything else I could think of except….. you’ll see..
I started the flight around 6:45 am on a beautiful Saturday morning. It was a little chilly but by batteries were kept warm and just charged the night before. My controller had the parabolic range extenders on and I was on my was to fly over the top of my normal flight area. I lingered around over the flight area, turned to the right towards the freeway (I do not fly over the freeway, just turned towards the freeway). I kept turning toward the right and was heading toward another flight area of mine all the while keeping the drone within visual range. I had been flying for approximately five minutes and this is when the fun started.
My phone died! Yes, the one thing I did not check was the battery level of the phone.
My screen went black and after a little panic attack when the phone died I lost visual of the drone. I kept calm and mashed the RTH (Return To Home) button and prayed… After about two minutes I heard the drone flying over head and then it dropped down out of the sky right where it had taken off from. Missed a little and crashed through the branches of the tree but all was good. I charged up my phone and flew again about tree hours later.
Below is a picture of when signal was lost from my phone and then the crash.

My new toys