Horrible vitals

Before get into the vitals statement let me tell you I had a great albeit short time flying my new DJI Spark this weekend. I could not fly at the park I wanted to because of weather but I did fly outside my apartment and just a bit Saturday morning before the rain started again. Flying the Spark is so much easier than the first Parrot drone I purchased years ago. The Tello is great and easy to fly but the Spark is a dream, getting the Mavic-2 Pro will be even better. Pictures will be next with all of the accessories I have purchased for my Spark


  • Resting Heart Rate: 76 (I had pizza last night)
  • Blood Pressure: 127/70 (I had pizza last night)
  • Weight: 244 (I had pizza last night)

The statement about pizza lets me know I failed this weekend but also that the pounds that are there are most likely water.

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