This morning vitals

  • Resting Heart-rate: 73 (Not bad)
  • Blood Pressure: 99/53 (After Walk – Not bad)
  • Weight: 236 (Bad, mostly water), 1lb less than last week

This weekend went really well. During the week I was not in the mood to work out at all, when I did I felt great but I could not get that motivated. All vitals look good with the exception of weight but now, with time that will align itself as well. Holidays will be the hard part.

Regroup and start over

I screwed that one up. After a great weekend of doing nothing and having a fantastic time doing it, I arrived at work and found a chocolate bar and hostess cupcake on my desk with a birthday card.

It was a nice gesture from my boss but I don’t usually eat milk chocolate (dark 86% cacao yes) and have not had a hostess cupcake since I was about ten years old. In a nutshell I ate the bar, before breakfast mind you and having nothing in my stomach. About 10:30 or so I ate the cupcake and then my breakfast, one hard boiled egg.

After an hour it all started to go down hill. I went for a short walk down stairs and on the way up I felt very dizzy and had an funny feeling in my chest (heart). My heart beat started racing to roughly 185+ beats per minute and would not stop. By 2:00, sitting at my desk getting ready for a conference call my heart rate went down to about 110.

I packed up to leave for home and was taking things slowly but when I started walking ‘down’ the stairs my heart started racing again and I was praying I would make it to the car.

When I got home I started eating anything I could get my hands on that was not sugar and drinking some water etc. and was able to get my heart rate down to less than 100 but still over 90. I took my vitamins, super greens drink and went to bed.

Upon getting up in the morning I found my resting hear rate to be 78 which is not bad but a number I consider high for me and after a morning walk my heart rate was still high and my heart rhythm was so irregular my blood pressure cuff kept cutting off with an error. After a few hours and another short walk my body seemed to rid itself of all those toxins from the day before but I still could not ride the bike.

I feel really good now but need to put my body back on its regular diet and get back to normal so, the experiment officially starts today, one week late.

Take note: Do not mess with your body especially when you feel good!

This morning vitals

  • Resting Heart-rate: 75 (Not bad)
  • Blood Pressure: 106/56 (After Walk – Not bad)
  • Weight: 237 (Bad, mostly water)

Day one of my experiment

Today is the start. I’m still on vacation today but the ‘no alcohol’ rule starts now. Actually it started when I had my last drink on Saturday night. Sam will be quite surprised when I don’t want to go to the liquor store on the way home Thursday. That will be the test, if I can do that or not. I am looking forward to these results I’m quite confident in my ability to do this.

I’ll be doing this experiment for at least three months, through the middle of November. During that time I will be posting graphs of my resting heart-rate, blood pressure and weight. I believe all of those will be affected by this experiment, to what extent we all shall see.

What I think is my weight will be affected by a significant amount followed by hear-rate to a certain extent and then my blood pressure. I’m sure I’ll see a big difference in the fluctuation I normally see during the weekend when I drink the most (Friday night and Saturday) , I never drink during the week or if I may have to work the following day.

Helping me out will be the large number of courses I have purchased on Udemy that have not been started yet. This will give me plenty of time to work on those courses as well as start setting up the outline for my courses as well. The outline for my book for SharePoint and maybe some SAP courses geared toward manufacturing. I need to look around and see what might be available for that topic (that just came to mind).

  • Resting Heart-Rate: 78
  • Blood Pressure: 112/73
  • Weight: 237
Resting Heart-Rate is higher than I like but to be expected with what I ate this weekend and I drank a bit more than usual weight is what I expected also with what I ate and how much water I drank the last couple of nights.
Let the fun begin, I am looking forward to this but will need some will power.

Experiment starts in one week

My experiment starts in one week, 08-13-2018. For the record, my blood pressure isn’t that bad right now. Below is a graph I created from the BP application I use. As you can see there are no wonky numbers there except for the occasional low diastolic I get at times around lunch time and after a workout. Those readings usually indicate I have not had enough water lately.

Blood Pressure – July 2018

B/P this morning: 115/66