Week of 06-18-2018

Last week was one for the record books. I completely annihilated the competition for the Fitbit workweek challenge with 85,000+ steps for the week. My closest challenger was at a paltry 40,000+ steps. They did not hit an average of 10,000 steps per day. Heck on Wednesday I only had around 14,000 steps.

This week started out slow with only around 8,000 steps yesterday. I’m of to the races now with 10,647 today and It’s only 8:43am. I’m sure this week won’t be like last but I’m hoping for another victory.


No work in SharePoint while I have been completing the last book review. Actually I completed two at the same time. RPG for Unity 2018 and shaders and effects in Unity 2018.

Unity, C#, Python and Blender

ASP.net is going well, however I had to reinstall GitHub for Visual Studio on one PC and another GitHub client on my PC at home. It is call GitKraken and seems to be better than the normal GitHub client.

This last weekend:

The last three weekends have been great. Eating really well with a new Italian Chicken Soup I have invented. I believe the worst item in the soup would be the noodles. I have Low salt everything with a very low calorie count. Boneless skinless chicken thighs are boiled with the soup, pulled apart when cooking is complete and put back into the soup. With some Italian seasoning when cooking it is really tasty. I thing next time I may skip the noodles and cook some brown rice to pour it over for an even healthier meal.