So far so good

Picking up the pace seems to have started working although this week I had to loose out on a Monday workout. I ate something that sure did not agree with me and ended up staying home. I actually would not have made it to work without having an accident on the way. Sure do not want to do that in Sam’s vehicle.

Share Point:

I’ll be back on SharePoint this week, Sam’s business cards should be here today and if no changes need to be made I’ll be getting back on track.

Picking up the pace

I have become addicted to working out with my Fenix 5x, Polar and Fitbit. I have been, so far this week walking three+ miles every morning and riding another nine+ miles every evening. Loving it but need to stop eating so much during the weekends. Sometimes it gets out of control with GrubHub being no help at all 🙂 .

Picking up the pace on the Peloto workout as well, adding a 10 minute cool down at the end of my 30 minute workouts every day. Hopefully this will up the anty enough for me to start loosing weight like I should be. I’m going to have to get out the Total Gym soon I think.


SharePoint has again taken a back seat to Sam’s business cards. The good news it I completed them and ordered them today, take a look.

These sure didn’t come out looking good here but I converted to .jpg from a .psd. I’ll try a .png and see if that looks better but you get the idea.

The Suburban in the front view of the card (top) is from a 3D model brought into Photoshop, adding lighting and headlamps was pretty fun to play with.

Unity, C#, Python, Blender and Adobe CC

I won’t be receiving new chapters for the RPG book I was reviewing for a while so they are sending me six chapters for a book on Unity 2018 shaders for review. I have always wanted to know how to code shaders in Unity and this is a perfect opportunity, review the book and learn something new at the same time.

I think I’ll try to duplicate the card front in Blender for a little 3D effect, shouldn’t be too difficult.

This last weekend:

Last weekend was great, I even got in a 45 minute workout Saturday morning along with a 10 minute cool down.

Fenix 5x


Picure of my new toy

Fenix 5x

Some shadows and reflections but here is that $700.00 fitness tracker. So far I have had nothing but great results with this. I noticed a few negative review regarding the accuracy of the heart rate, my experience has been great. It has been within 1-2 bpm of all my other devices, Fitbit, Polar and Scosch. I also purchased a cadence monitor for the Peloton so I could monitor my cadence on the tracker as well as monitoring my cadence on my street bike when the weather improves.


Sam needs new business cards and I have been concentrating on that for a few days. I’m experimenting with 3D models in PhotoShop and have some ideas for cards I think Sam will love.

Unity, C#, Python, Blender and Adobe CC

New chapter from Packt this week and it was just a rehash of the first chapter from the first edition of the book I’m reviewing. My handler so to speak, Devanshi let me know the author is rewriting some chapters and code so it may be some time before I get another chapter. Good thing the code is being rewritten, there a lot of items in the coding that have been deprecated since the last updates of Unity.

Playing with 3D object in PhotoShop while I’m creating new business cards for Sam. I found a free 3D model (obj) of his Chevrolet Suburban and will be using it for the business cards. My first attempts have been garbage as I’m learning how to use the 3D aspects of PS but have some interesting ideas rolling around in my head. As I start creating these new cards I’ll pop them in here for some critique.

This last weekend:

Again I did just about nothing this last weekend but eat some Chinese on Saturday. I know most of this is low calorie but it is high in sodium. I actually gained seven freaking pounds which was obviously water because six and a half was gone Tuesday morning. I looked as my reward for the great review I received Thursday morning.