Back to work

Finally back to work after being so dang sick…


On with the Engineering/ME change tracking. Uploading spreadsheet to list works perfectly now how to update as automatically as possible. I think Access is the answer with the use of some Update and append queries. This seems to be the answer since I was able to read a list from SharePoint into Access and then while they were both opened, updating either updated the other in real time. It worked great.

Unity, C#, Python and Blender

All put on the back burner while I concentrated on SharePoint.

This last weekend:

The weekend was not as good as the last one. It was still great but could have been better. I think I know the answer, I’ll share that later after a test this weekend.

New Style of Post

I am finding it difficult again to keep up with all I am doing. From this point on I will touch on each area of training I worked on during the week regardless of how much.


I completed the course on SharePoint 2016 Essential training today. Next up will be SharePoint Online Essential training. I learned a lot from the last course and since most of what we are doing at work is in a hybrid format I think learning both 2016 and Online is appropriate. Combining both the course work and YouTube videos I am making some good strides with our site at work. For example the course did not give examples of how works but did give me the basics to create a custom list for the Vacation Requests. YouTube provided the information required for the work flow.

Not much time was spent on other software’s or applications as I am trying to get up to speed in all aspects of SharePoint I can to keep our organization organized. My next project for our site will be the tracking of Engineering and Manufacturing Changes. This will be  a challenge but I am up to it. Particularlly with the success I have with the vacation request work flow. I will plan for this project to consume two weeks of my time rather than one to fit in the testing required.

Unity, C#, Python and Blender

All put on the back burner while I concentrated on SharePoint. The

This last weekend:

All I can say is awesome.  So far the best weekend of the year.

SharePoint 365 at work

We updated our SharePoint at my place of business to SharePoint 365 between November 2017 and mid January 2018. In doing so management put me in charge of our site giving me a golden opportunity to learn something new which everyone knows I love. While learning this tool I purchased my own SharePoint site with an E3 license and in doing so learned our company limited our abilities in creating, maintaining and using a lot of the collaboration tools SharePoint 365 has. This is both a blessing and a curse. A curse because I can’t do some of the tasks I want to do, a blessing because I get to learn all sorts of great things we can do that we could not do before or shall I say the company never gave us the training and permissions to do the things we could have done.

Soon I’ll share (pun intended) some videos of things I learned and possible create some training for Udemy and make some cash with the new knowledge I have obtained.

More, much more to come in the future.

I also learned that at my age it does not take too long to get out of shape. Being sick for over a week and not able to ride my Peloton for almost three weeks. My heart health fitbit number went down three points that in itself is drastic taking my fitness down from good to excellent to average. I’m back riding and hopeful my numbers will increase quickly. My other concern was my resting heart rate went from roughly 74 – 75 to over 80, up to 84. I’m confident I can get this down quickly. Wish me luck.

Lets have an entire month of work huh?

I can’t get a freaking break. I had my second full week of work last week and then this week starts off with all the plumbing in my apartment clogging up. I sure as crap am not paying 200.00 for a plumber to show up and then 120.00 per hour for them to work. I fixed it all my self, took me awhile to get it all done but I did it myself and am proud. Doing plumbing on the cabin with dad actually paid off.