Merry Christmas Everyone

It is that time of year again and This year has been wonderful. Working out with my Peloton has resulted in substantial weight loss, I did gain some back and that was my fault. I tried a little experiment using my body learning how it would react. The experiment worked but with less than desirable results. I gained 15 lbs back and my blood pressure started to increase. Time to get back to the grind and quit playing around.

SharePoint Online

Our company is migrating their SharePoint sites to the new (new to us) SharePoint Online. I was nominated by my supervisor to be the site owner for our group. I have been waiting for the testing to begin and have been a little anxious because I have never worked in SharePoint, designed any apps or organized pages. I purchased a ‘For Dummies’ book and after reading half a chapter I signed up for a single license of SharePoint Online. Doing this I will be able to experiment with different site designs and functions before I deploy to the team site. I get to create my own SharePoint site, learn new things and have fun all at the same time. As of last night my thoughts on the additional responsibilities went from anxious to very excited.

Waiting for Vacation

This is the last week of work prior to the Christmas break. I always have a lot of plans for the time I am off and I never get a chance to do any of them. This year will be different, I’ll finish the game, blender course in Udemy and start on my VR project with Unity and my apartment. Each of these should be very easy to complete and get started.

When it comes to Angie I am about fed up. I have spent a lot of money making sure she has a good Christmas and nothing I do is good enough. I am about to throw my hands into the air and give up on her. She said the divorce would happen in September, it is now December and I am pretty certain her last name is still Amsden. I pray everyday things will work out and I know God will answer my prayers as always but she is one of the most, if not the most frustrating person I know.

My family wants to have another get together at the cabin this year and need to know if I will be there. I received an email from Tyra Sunday needing an answer today. Because of that I really want to say no but I want to head out there.

Mental Health day

I needed a mental health day yesterday. It seems that every 8 to 12 weeks I need to take a mental health day. Just a day to relax other than a weekend day and yesterday was that day. Those are usually proceeded by a couple days I don’t want to talk to anybody. People don’t like that too much but it is what it is.

Sorry guys but some times it happens.